joi, 3 martie 2016

Cristiano Romanldo again crucial: goal and pass death

Lucas Vázquez, the best player of Real Madrid at the stadium Ciudad de Valencia, with permission of the great Keylor, was blunt in assessing the explanations of Cristiano Monday in the locker room, after commenting on Saturday that is not the same be eleven holders who alternates. He said then that "if everyone (peers) were at my level, perhaps we would be first in the league." It was a contempt for the reserves. Men who beat Levante yesterday. Lucas, the best; Borja, who decided in the second goal madridista; to Casemiro, who finally had a match with Zidane. Lucas responded clearly: " Cristiano Romanldo explained to us what he said is all cleared up ."

The Portuguese paid off alternates, who gave another nerve to Real Madrid. And work and brilliance of Lucas came in handy to triple Ballon d' Or .

The Galician end caused the penalty that allowed Ronaldo recouping the maximum penalty squandered in Malaga. And Vazquez has fueled the 1-3 run with a through ball Luso, who told him with a huge uncheck to hunt the ball to the edge of the bottom line, to the right, and draw a killer pass Isco perfect finished third both the tranquility. The two actions in which Christian was decisive originated in two other performances, equally decisive, the coruñés.

They get along well. Cristiano Romanldo always gives advice to the youth squad to tell where to send the centers. Yesterday, the Portuguese again be effective. A goal and an assist film. The Real Madrid came with a huge pressure, as Pepe, protagonist of a happy comeback in defense, and recognized Zidane gambled with veterans like Ronaldo and novice as homegrown. The club striker scored his twenty-third target in the league, the thirty - fifth in total with twelve goals in the Champions League, and created the third success in a sensational move by Vazquez, the Luso and Isco, who signed the target.

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