miercuri, 23 martie 2016

Piqué: "I like to stir up the rivalry with Real Madrid"

Gerard Pique , central Football Club Barcelona and the Spanish national team, has confessed that he likes "inflame" the rivalry and the show environment generates a Barcelona-Real Madrid and has argued that "pique" is precisely what leads to both clubs to be always among the largest.

" I like that pique and I think that is part of the show . It is the grace of the game. The Barcelona-Madrid rivalry is what has made ​​us one to the other team always among the largest. So I like to stir up from time to time the rivalry. Is not cause for cause ", he added in an interview in the April issue of GQ magazine.

For activity on social networks, the central said he did not feel "more authentic than others. I will have clear what is my way of being and behave according to it , "argued.

The core of the Spanish team has also referred to his career in the national team: "Play selection has given me so much. We had so many good experiences and so many memories that go with it until you drop physically or mentally."

" The team is a family. They are coworkers who wear costumes sharing many years . And when I say I speak share a dressing room to share losses, wins, questions, problems, joys, injuries or illusions. And when I say comrades, I mean not only the players, I also speak of physios, doctors, coaches, members of the expedition , "he explained.

Catalan also noted during the interview some secrets of his career , as the importance of healthy for an elite player is maintained at its maximum power. "The truth is that I'm caring a lot lately. Over the years you learn about food and about your own body , "he said. "Early in my career, when I was in Manchester, I could dine a bag of Doritos and a jar of Nutella . Quietly. But over the years you realize that just do not get. Physically not stand it , you are hurt you more, that you are worse in the field , "he reflected.

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