sâmbătă, 26 martie 2016

The two great vices of Johan Cruyff: football and snuff

The chroniclers of the time it was not uncommon to see Cruyff , like many other players of his time, to smoke a Camel cigarette -mark without filter- at halftime of a game. His companion in Ajax recounted years after a day Cruyff burned his hand trying to hide a cigarette sight of his coach, also legendary Rinus Michels .

In a famous advertising campaign against snuff made when he coached Barcelona, ​​Cruyff confessed: "In my life I have had two great vices. Smoking and play football. Football has given me everything. Instead, I smoke almost pulls it off. "

Times had changed. A few months before that announcement, in February 1991, Cruyff had been tapped to open for a serious heart blockage in his arteries caused directly by the snuff, and placed a double bypass. The doctors were very clear: I had to quit immediately if he wanted to avoid more serious ailments. Cruyff, leading the Dream Team culé the ball with the stick of a lollipop sticking out through the mouth: then it is one of the iconic images of the nineties Spain generated.

He replaced cigarettes for candy and she managed to maintain her figure the same elegance it had when marked impossible goals; Johan Cruyff's class has always been innate. At Wembley in the final that gave the club its first European Cup in 1992, he fought nerves with lollipops , a severe contrast to an image of his time at Ajax, which held the "romaine" with left hand and a cigar in his right hand. Two vices had never been so well portrayed.

Despite not start smoking again from open heart surgery in 1991-he had 42 years, Johan Cruyff announced on October 22, 2015, 24 years later, suffering from lung cancer. Although snuff leave a quitter always you have much more risk of lung cancer than someone who has never smoked. Since the traumatic announcement was not much he knew the Dutch genius, and it was hard to imagine the worst outcome could get only five months later. Cancer is not pity or the greatest geniuses.

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