luni, 28 martie 2016

Sergio Ramos reunites with Pilar Rubio after its low in the selection

Sergio Ramos , Real Madrid central and the Spanish national team, left the concentration of the national team last Friday due to lower back pain that prevented him from contesting the second part of the friendly against Italy. The player returned to Spain immediately to undergo a medical examination. Having assessed their physical problems, Ramos began with physical therapy and initially will have no problems playing in the Nou Camp on April 2 .

This bitter setback had its positive side, as the central reunited in Madrid with the woman of his life, Pilar Rubio . The couple took the floor of Ramos in the Spanish selection to enjoy a romantic getaway, this shared image as reflected by the presenter and blogger on his Instagram account. In addition, the player posted the following message: " The important thing are the moments and people Thanks, hon.! ".

On 17 March, the couple celebrated the birthday of Pilar and next Wednesday, will hold the football player. Ramos turns 30 and announces in their social networks something very special for that day ... What is it ?

A video posted by Sergio Ramos (@sr4oficial) on

Sergio Ramos and Pilar Rubio fell in love in autumn 2012 and are the parents of two children, Sergio and Marco . However, they do not arise go a step further in their relationship and marriage. "Now I do not think wedding or think it's a theme that runs hurry, nor necessary. The nice thing is to form a family and if it arises as perfect , " said the presenter. Of course, both she and the player would love to have more children: "I do not rule out , a girl would be fine."

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