sâmbătă, 26 martie 2016

That was the suicide bombing at a soccer stadium in Baghdad

At least 30 people were killed and 95 wounded in a suicide bombing on Friday in a soccer stadium south of Baghdad, which was claimed by the Islamic terrorist group State (EI), according to the latest data provided Efe by medical sources . among the dead include the mayor of the city of Alexandria , where the stadium is located attacked Ahmed al Khafayi, while among the wounded Shiite militia commanders and officers Popular Crowd security services. The suicide bomber infiltrated among the spectators and detonated his explosives belt attached to the body inside the field, where a football match between local teams was played.

The Amaq agency, linked to EI, announced that the group had made ​​"a martyrdom operation (suicide) with a belt of explosives at a concentration of militants in Alexandria." The term militia Amaq refers to Shiite fighters fighting EI, as cited in the People Crowd. According to the press agency of the terrorist group, the explosion caused at least 65 dead and dozens injured.

Alexandria is located 50 kilometers south of Baghdad, and in the province of Babel, where last March 6 another suicide attack EI was recorded. Some 50 people were killed and 70 wounded in the attack against a police checkpoint in the city of Hillah, the bloodiest attack in recent years in the province of Babel. The Iraqi authorities are waging a bloody war against EI, who proclaimed a caliphate in areas under its control in Iraq and Syria in June 2014. Two days ago, the Iraqi army launched Operation "Fatah" to liberate the northern province of Nineveh, whose capital Mosul is the main stronghold of EI in Iraq.

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