sâmbătă, 19 martie 2016

Historical fine for Neymar

Neymar has been convicted by the Brazilian Justice of the crime of tax evasion and sentenced to a fine of historical 188.8 million reais, about 45.7 million euros.
According to the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo , the Brazilian striker would have concealed a series of Treasury revenues Santos of Barcelona and Nike, one of its main sponsors. Neymar would have used several companies to hide those revenues, which amount to some 56 million euros charged by the player between 2012 and 2014.
Neymar will face such payment plus penalty and interest in a sentence before which the Brazilian can still avail.
According to the Administrative Court of the Federal Agency of Rio , Neymar would have simulated contracts in order to transfer earnings from image rights to several companies owned and not have to pay on your tax return.

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