joi, 24 martie 2016

The man who changed the mentality of Barcelona

Gianni Infantino , the new FIFA president , has said that " Johan Cruyff was a great player, one of the largest the world has ever known. A symbol of elegant game. An inspiration and a source of admiration for the followers. Cruyff has marked the history of football forever. "

The former coach of FC Barcelona, ​​Pep Guardiola, has reacted in their own social network Twitter to the death of Johan Cruyff : " A genius, a legend and the man who changed the mentality of Barcelona " has written.

Fans of FC Barcelona has launched an initiative on social networks for the Catalan club renowned Camp Nou in tribute to Johan Cruyff , who died Thursday at age 68 a victim of lung cancer. Through Twitter, fans "Catalans" have launched the hashtag "#EstadiJohanCruyff" to ask the club to honor the memory of his former player and former coach, unanimously appointed as the architect of the most glorious era of the entity

The Government delegate in Catalonia, Llanos de Luna, lamented Thursday the death of footballer Johan Cruyff and has evoked him as someone who "knew how to put in all their expertise projects, passion and heart." He has defined as a visionary football , a leader FC Barcelona and around the world of sport "with an extraordinary personality," reported the Delegation.

Atletico Madrid lamented Thursday in his Twitter account the death of Johan Cruyff , who scored on his message of "legend" . "MOURNING. A legend goes. All athletic family joined us to pain by the death of @JohanCruyff. A hug to family and friends "is the literal twit the Madrid club.

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