luni, 21 martie 2016

Kruse, Wolfsburg striker has been excluded from the call for repeated incidents night

Max Kruse striker Wolfsburg (rival Real Madrid in the quarterfinals of the Champions League) has been expelled from the German team for friendly matches against England and Italy and the reason given Joachim Loew , national coach, has been devastating: his behavior off the field, where the festive history Wolfsburg striker continues to increase.

Kruse has been in the headlines in recent months by many episodes off the field. One of the best known was forgotten 75,000 euro notes in a taxi after win at the casino (his club fined 25,000 euros to learn). This Saturday he had another: he took a camera to a woman who had been taking pictures of him in a nightclub. Kruse I did not know it is that the girl was a reporter for the newspaper "Bild".

"I want the players are focused on football and Euro," Loew said in a statement Monday. "The incident this weekend is against those expectations. Max [Kruse] has returned to behave in a very unprofessional manner . I will not accept. "

Kruse, who signed for Wolfsburg last summer, had also received a warning recently from his club to improve your diet . "Last week it told Kruse what I expect from him on and off the field," Loew said. "The Euro is close and the selection has very high view it. We need players who are focused and are aware that they are a role model. "

Wolfsburg striker will be suspended only for the two friendly matches that will face the world champion next week. Germany will play in the Euro 2016 against Ukraine, Northern Ireland and Poland in Group C.

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