miercuri, 20 aprilie 2016

Rafa still 'on fire' (6-3, 6-2)

Rafa Nadal has won Marcel Granollers in his debut in the Conde Godo. After a durillo start, Nadal has shown that it is at its best long as he showed last week in Monte Carlo. Granollers, the world number 50, started the game well, but quickly diluted to a great Rafa Nadal.

The great tennis practiced Rafa Nadal in Monte Carlo is not the result of chance.

Rafa Nadal has defeated Marcel Granollers , who was not an affordable rival, confirming that follows 'on fire'.

After a durillo start in which he lost his serve and had to rally under a very uncomfortable wind, Rafa showed he has regained his best the decisive moment of the season.

After losing the first two games, Nadal went into the match with great intelligence and was pulling out of the track to Marcel Granollers, the world number 50.

The second set

In the second set and definito Nadal jumped very focused on track and suffered much less than in the first because it was superior to his rival and because Granollers lost the psychological battle.

The rival Rafa Nadal in the second round will also Spanish Albert Montanes .

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