marți, 26 aprilie 2016

BBC aims to Joe Hart

Zinedine Zidane could not have received better news prior to the semifinal match of the day Champions League : Your attacking trident is one hundred percent to face Manchester City .

The Real Madrid arrives at its best the game with the BBC in a great scorer moment, although with some physical problems. Bale missed the game against Villarreal and ended the match against Rayo touching the soleus. Ronaldo retired sore from hamstring against Villarreal and did not play against the de Vallecas. Meanwhile, Benzema left the field 42 minutes into the game last weekend as a precaution.

However, all three have passed medical and stress tests and are fit for the battle, with the only goal to beat Joe Hart .

Manchester City goalkeeper and England took the baton from David James , known as " Calamity James " (Calamity James), for his habit of conceding goals because of terrible mistakes. It is true that in both cases the archers have not weighed him their reputations to achieve forge great careers, but there is something that will not fit entirely when a keeper of a great club fails in more than a decade to end the sambenito to be unreliable.

Cristiano Ronaldo knows exactly what this is about. In the last match played by both teams in the 2012-2013 season, Real Madrid turned it over to a party that the City had to face twice, thanks to a goal from Ronaldo in the last minute. Firing the Portuguese had much more power than placement, as I seemed to run into the hands of Hart, but the goalkeeper --without one knew very well how-- let the ball pass through it in his arms and become the 3-2.

In addition, the three forwards have scored Hart him (Benzema in that game, Ronaldo also, in addition to many others with Manchester City and Bale while playing for Tottenham), so they know how to celebrate before the England international somewhat.

Real Madrid also knows --A Lot more after the match against Wolfsburg - the importance of scoring away from home and BBC is only focused on the goal boring Joe Hart.

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