marți, 26 aprilie 2016

Dura and exemplary punishment to the accused of using a motor cyclist on his bike

The Disciplinary Commission of the International Cycling Union (UCI) imposed a penalty of six years of suspension to the Belgian Femke Van den Driessche after being accused of using a bicycle rigged with an engine during the World Cup cyclocross of Heusden-Zolder (Netherlands ).

First penalty for mechanical doping. The resolution is found guilty of violating Article 1.3.010 in combination with 12.013bis (technological fraud) of the UCI regulations, and imposes the penalty, which comes into force on October 11, 2015 and ends October 10, 2021.

Therefore all results are canceled, including European and national championship sub'23 the same category, and ordered to return the medals and money received to the respective organizations and is fined to pay the UCI one fine of 20,000 Swiss francs and things of this procedure.

As indicated in the statement of the UCI, the decision was made after discovering a hidden electric motor bicycle -resonancia- thanks to a new test.

More than 100 bicycles were scanned in those world, and according to the UCI this new method has been shown in tests to be highly effective engines to detect hidden technological or other forms of fraud.

"We have invested considerable resources in the development of this new and highly effective exploration technology and in strengthening sanctions against anyone deceive you in this way. This case is a great victory for the UCI and all those fans, cyclists and teams that want to be sure that we will keep fighting this form of cheating in our sport, "said Brian Cookson, president of the UCI.

The cyclist has already announced its withdrawal

Belgian cyclist, 19, he announced his retirement last month and did not testify before the UCI. Van den Diressche assumed that his acquittal "is impossible because that bike was in my area of ​​material," adding that the process "is judged by all."

The excuse that ended when he was hunted. The rider said after being accused investigated the bike was not his, but a friend, but that ended in their hands after a mechanical error.

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