sâmbătă, 23 aprilie 2016

Diego Simeone, sent off in Atletico - Malaga,

Diego Simeone was ejected from the match between Atletico Madrid and Malaga after he threw a ball from the Atletico bench that cut a backlash costasoleño team.

Argentine coach saw the red card after not to leave the official who threw the ball to pitch, so Simeone did not continue in the band of Vicente Calderon to be responsible for the bench.

But Diego Simeone could say goodbye to the league season, it is that as reflected in the regulations, could be punished "with a minimum of three parties" considered the action as "an incorrect action".

"Offense of a serious nature will be considered and shall be punished by fine of up to $ 3,000 and penalty of closing, launching several balls, or any other item the field from the stands, regardless of whether the game is and not Parked.

When the launch does merit the preceding paragraph is made, at least on one occasion, by any player, by any member of the bench, in addition to the imposition club sanction or sanctions does merit the title first of this Article, the offense is considered a correct action and not involve the direct expulsion from the field the author of it and imposing three-game suspension.

If it can not be directly identified by the referee to the author, the first coach to which the author will be expelled from the field by the commission of an incorrect action, and sanctioned with a minimum of 3 games suspension " .

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