marți, 26 aprilie 2016

Hillsborough tragedy was not an accident

A jury has ruled that the 96 Liverpool fans who died in the Hillsborough disaster in 1989 killed illegally. The six women and three men ended their deliberations on Monday, after considering more than two years of testing during the investigation of the events of the FA Cup match of April 15, 1989 between Nottingham Forest and Liverpool.

The decision comes after years of campaigning by the families of the victims, seeking to clarify the real causes of the tragedy. Coroner John Golding said he accepted the theory that most of the 96 people were killed illegally and the jury unanimously agreed after hearing answers to 13 other questions about the disaster.

The jury also determined that the behavior of the fans in the stadium contributed to the catastrophe. Members are proof that the police chief of South Yorkshire, David Duckenfield, "was responsible for manslaughter through gross negligence in these 96 people."

To test this gross negligence, the jury had to have evidence of a breach of attention to the people who attended the party by Duckenfield. Jurors also agreed that the police and ambulances made errors in their response to the incident, which may have contributed to the loss of more lives.

A total of 96 people were fatally injured in the avalanche in Leppings Lane, while 766 were injured. Among the dead were people between 10 and 67 years, including 37 adolescents and 26 parents.

The latest investigation was opened after the Supreme Court in 2012 invalidated a verdict of accidental death, which was reached after an initial investigation between 1990 and 1991.

Families of the victims campaigned for the release of documents that could provide detailed information on the events, including whether any of the victims could have been saved if they had received medical treatment faster.

Prime Minister David Cameron issued an apology on behalf of the British government after the 2012 report showed that police and emergency services had made "tremendous efforts" to blame the disaster on Liverpool fans.

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