marți, 26 aprilie 2016

Tom Bradyand suspension imposed by the case "Deflategate"

A federal appeals court ruled today that the quarterback of the New England Patriots, Tom Brady , must fulfill his four - game suspension imposed on him by the League National Football (NFL) for his involvement in the scandal of uninflated balloons.

The decision overrides a lower court and gives the reason the league in the legal fight against Players Association NFL (NFLPA for its acronym in English).

The Court of Appeals Second Circuit issued its decision Monday in New York.

The appeal resolved the September decision of Judge Richard Berman against the league, allowing Brady temporarily eluded his suspension and allowed him to play all 16 games of the regular season and lead the Patriots to Super Bowl 50 loss to the Broncos of Denver.

The decision, which was taken by a panel of three judges, could end the legal debate on the scandal caused during amateur months of football to discuss on the air pressure in the balls and reputation of one of the most important teams from the league.

It is also likely that a new wave of debate on what role, if you have one, played quarterback and NFL star by using inflated balloons below requirements during the Championship match of the AFC starts (AFC ) in January 2015.

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell insisted that the suspension was deserved, and that having had the authority to tax.

Upon entry into force of new suspension Brady, the star pin the Patriots will miss the first four games of the regular season that his team must play against the Arizona Cardinals, Miami Dolphins, Houston Texans and Buffalo Bills.

So far neither Brady nor the Patriots have made no comment on the decision of the federal appeals panel.

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