marți, 19 iulie 2016

In Barcelona the choice came: Ter Stegen will take advantage Bravo

Barcelona no longer can or want to play with the question of the archers. It was time to define the situation: Claudio Bravo and Marc Andre Ter Stegen . Both want to be owners and have conditions to spare, but the Spanish team has a favorite.

Although the two are evenly matched, Barcelona leans Ter Stegen. The reasons? Age and projection , first order. It is the plan that drew the Spanish team initially. Hiring the German goalkeeper and another level if the European project 1 not out as expected. But in the end, it went well, so Bravo most likely leave Barcelona. Anyway, it is not an easy situation for the club.

If Barcelona admits he wants to sell to Bravo, its price will drop automatically, and the intention is to box with him. Chile's contract ends in 2018, with a clause of 85 million euros. The Catalans want to let go even for € 20m.

Therefore, the club hopes that Chile is aware of it and look for a place, after paying this price. In other words, it is he who is placed on the market and not the club , to try to get as high a price as possible. It is well known that Barcelona usually undersell their players and Bravo is among the few who still have good cartel on the market (outside the titularísimos, of course).

Publicly, the club has said that both bids but listen Bravo, hence it has cooled the interest of several clubs by Ter Stegen. Everyone knows that the German will be the starter next year.

Initially, Bravo was scheduled to rejoin the July 25, after his performance in the Copa America, but the club extended his vacation until August 1, like Messi and Mascherano. We will see what moves the Chilean letters.

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