sâmbătă, 23 iulie 2016

photographs showing the reality of the Olympic Games

In October of 2009 the streets of Rio de Janeiro flooded celebrations. All little celebration was a dream that represented years of illusion: the city be chosen to organize the 2016 Olympic Games, the first in South America. A decision that definitively placed Brazil as the center of the sports world with the World Cup in 2014.

Through tears, the then President of Brazil Lula da Silva, the main promoter of the Olympic dream, proclaims that "these people deserved that opportunity. Having been colonized had the habit of being small, if not important" and confessed that day was "the most exciting of my life. I will start to work for the Olympic Games tomorrow, not after tomorrow, but tomorrow" he said.

It has already happened since that moment of euphoria and the country's situation is very different. The march of Dilma Rousseff. A sports minister in office. In the midst of an economic crisis. The insecurity. It seems that discouragement appropriates increasingly Brazilians, to the point that 50% oppose the Olympics and 63% think it will do more harm than good, as revealed by the newspaper O Globo.

As if this were not enough, a photograph circulating on social networks has filled the glut of Brazilians:

For many this picture clearly describes the reality of these Olympics: a vagrant sleeping next to a bridge where you can see the logo of Rio 2016 with a phrase that the author of the photograph Felipe Barcellos questioned: "A new world, insurance?".

Some questioned the veracity of the image, so also released a video where it is clear that there is no manipulation. Although it hurts, this is the reality of the country.

In May, a few weeks before leaving the presidency, Dilma Rousseff said that "Brazil will be able, living with a difficult period, critical for its history and democracy", of being "the best host the Olympic Games ever known" . And no doubt that the people will give the warmest of welcomes all athletes and spectators that accompany this great event.

The main question is what will happen when after the closing ceremony of the Paralympics the world stop looking at Brazil.

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