sâmbătă, 23 iulie 2016

The enigmatic message of Rakitic agent

Will Ivan Rakitic sacrificed for the signing of André Gomes ? Miquel Sors, ​​one of the officers of the Croatian, has sown doubt about its continuity with a message on his Twitter account after the announcement of the new FC Barcelona signing.

"It's time to go ..." he wrote the representative of Rakitic. With the arrival of André Gomes, players accumulate in the midfieldBarcelona and it is possible that one can get out.

After the controversial tweet, Sors retuiteaba a couple of other messages: "With the arrival of some Gomes midfielder will" or "the club should work more value to a major player like the Croatian" were some of them.

Sors would then rectify half his words: "At no time have referred to none just by overbooking nothing Pleased to be here..."

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