sâmbătă, 23 iulie 2016

Ten terror suspects to 15 days of the Games Rio 2016

Brazilian authorities detained ten people today in an anti - terrorist operation performed when fifteen days left for the opening of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, said Justice Minister, Alexandre de Moraes.

"This is an alleged terrorist cell, a first cell, which went from suspicious messages over the Internet to acts preparatory to the alleged attack," said the minister at a press conference in which he confirmed that detainees had "at least one contact "with the Islamic State (EI).

"It was an absolutely amateurish, disorganized cell," but let it be a "threat," said the minister, who said that "no serious security force can ignore this issue" by the apparent lack of coordination group.

De Moraes explained that the detainees, all Brazilians who include a minor, "had no personal contact between them" but communicated through social networks like WhatsApp and Telegram, and came to establish direct communication with the EI those same means.

"Some had at least one contact with the Islamic State for a kind of baptism, for an oath" of loyalty, he said.

One of the detainees, even wanted to travel abroad to "make a personal contact" with members of the terrorist group, but finally did not thus "had no financial conditions," De Moares said.

The minister said the authorities also found that the group had set up negotiations via the Internet with illegal arms dealers operating in Paraguay with the intention of obtaining at least one AK 47 rifle.

However, he clarified that "there is no confirmation that they have achieved."

De Moraes said members of that group were monitored for several weeks, because exchanging messages and videos that extolled the EI, and that control was increased after direct contacts with the terrorist organization.

The arrest was ordered once in their messages, group members agreed to begin "training in martial arts and shooting," which was interpreted by the authorities as a real threat and the beginning of "preparation" of a possible terrorist act during the Olympic Games.

He also noted that, in their messages, detainees used to indicate that Brazil was not a "target" of terrorism, but that "by virtue of the proximity of the Olympics was going to be within their targets."

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