sâmbătă, 23 iulie 2016

IOC announces 45 new positive in Beijing 2008 and London 2012

The International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) confirmed Friday that the analysis of the second batch of samples collected at the London 2008 Summer Olympics and 2012 revealed 45 new positive for doping.

In a statement today, the governing body for Olympic sport reported that were detected 30 new cases of doping in Beijing 2008 -23 of them medallistas- and 15 in London 2012, bringing to 98 the number of positive following the reanalysis of the samples collected in these two events.

The IOC said the analysis of samples from Beijing were focused primarily on medalists and 23 of the 30 new positive are athletes who reached the podium. They belong to four different disciplines and affected eight national Olympic committees.

15 Positive London 2012, meanwhile, affect two sports and nine national committees.

The National Olympic Committees and their International Federation will be informed after commencement of the proceedings against athletes to the IOC accused of having violated anti-doping code. They may not participate in the Olympic Games in Rio 2016.

The 98 positives were revealed after the reanalysis of 1,243 samples collected at the Games in Beijing and London.

After holding between 5 and 21 August Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the International Olympic Committee will proceed to the analysis of the third and fourth rounds.

IOC President Thomas Bach said in the same statement that the re-analysis of these samples evidence "the decisive fight" against doping agency.

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