sâmbătă, 23 iulie 2016

Marc Gasol, low for Rio 2016

The power forward Marc Gasol is final low for the Olympic Games Rio 2016 after not having fully recovered from the injury that occurred on the right foot, which was operated on last February.

The Grizzlies power forward has confirmed in a joint statement with the Spanish Basketball Federation, which has failed to "high medical need" to be on time for the Olympics.

"After months of intense individual work of recovery which have been sustained over the last three weeks in the pre-Olympic concentration, making all possible efforts to ensure that recovery times would allow him join the team in Rio, Marc Gasol has not achieved high medical need to realize their goal, so can not participate in the Olympics, "says the note sent by the FEB.

Marc Gasol was injured last February 8 in a NBA game against the Blazers. Days later underwent surgery and recovery began. After six months of disease progression in the power forward has failed to reach the conditions expected to Rio 2016.

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