sâmbătă, 16 aprilie 2016

Luis Enrique: "I am very optimistic"

The positive message carried to its logical conclusion. Especially when they go wrong they are given. At this current it has joined Luis Enrique as the line of Barca has been twisted. On the way to the psychic abyss after the elimination of the Champions coach has reinforced the idea of dealing with the bad dynamics of the results, rebelling against adversity and fight even harder to overcome the bad times. "I'm very optimistic , " proclaimed Luis Enrique.
Go into play the league title, where the club has three points ahead of Atletico , their European executioner, and the final of the Copa del Rey. "I will not change for anyone , " he assured, trying topull this memory Calderon, however recent it. But Luis Enrique can not hide or disguise the pain of loss triplet, which would have been the second, "a maximum target that no team in the world has reached".


The coach has "thoroughly analyzed" the defeat against Atletico "just as I have thoroughly analyzed every victory." He would not share the fruit of this analysis nor the conclusions he has drawn, beyond saying in football that "there is only one factor that affects no single solution to the problems." Despite the negative trend has not time to put the notes to the course when two titles at stake, has suggested.

"This situation we do not like, but we've earned it ourselves and we must accept it with the mettle playing in a professional ," Luis Enrique has assumed without putting hot cloths. He has also taken his words when he said the team came "cooler" at the end of the season although he has played, on the same date last year , seven games.


He said it and keeps it, based on "objective data" vest with GPS that measures the efforts of the players during training. "I have taken little chest for what he could," reaffirming his words, the improved physical condition of his men. "But that does not mean we can play bad or we can lose a title, because the opponent also plays and has quality," he qualified.

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