luni, 18 aprilie 2016

He finished the party Bryant and Lakers will touch them pay a high price

The farewell party in which guard Kobe Bryant became last season came to an end and the price they will pay the Lakers will face very high rebuild the franchise .

The first thing you have to determine is whether the current coach, Byron Scott, who left the team with the worst record in the history of the team (17-65) is the professional who remains in office facing direct reconstruction having lost two full seasons.

Many critics believe that the continuity of Scott would be another grave mistake in the future of the Lakers, who are still guaranteed a contract year and 4 million.

Although the general manager of the Lakers, Mitch Kupchak, other than those specified in the failure of the team during the last two season in the last press conference with journalists said Scott, 55, had done "an excellent job given circumstances ", but did not say clearly that it would continue.

The most that he gave was that in the next week or maybe later, he and the vice president and part owner of the Lakers, Jim Buss, will hold a meeting with Scott to assess and decide their future with the team.

For his part Scott, who also spoke for 30 minutes at the same press conference, the specific question whether he was convinced that he would return to the team next season, was categorical answer "had no doubt".

However, his image is not the best among those who analyze their work because they consider guilty of poor development that have had youth team values ​​in the last two seasons, outside Bryant has been for free in their actions in the face sell the image that will be your new stage out of the fields.

Bryant stayed two years with the Lakers to help rebuild the franchise, but the opposite was the "worst" example receiving young talents of the team, since especially in the latter, he played when he wanted was not to much less training sessions shots at pre-match basket.

The Kupchak itself acknowledged that that was not the best example for young people who may never be motivated to not see or learn from the star felt and what is worse, admitted since the beginning of the season no matter the performance they had in the countryside, in the end all that counted in every game was the farewell ceremony of Bryant.

"I think it is very difficult to assess the progress we have made through the season," Kupchak admitted. "There was never any consistency or anything that can highlight".

It is in this reality where critical both to the work of Scott as to the own Kupchak believe that both should have had an alternative plan to combine each sees more questioned "endless" farewell Bryant and development of the workforce.

Kupchak tried again to justify the figure of Bryant and the 20 years he devoted to the team made him deserving such a farewell, but acknowledged that the team was a big credibility problem facing the possible arrival of the best players who go to find in the market for free agents.

"Certainly within two and a half months we will have a large sum of money to use the market for free agents, but we must see what we most appropriate depending on the circumstances," Kupchak said, which will have to less than 60 million.

In addition, the general manager of the Lakers, also acknowledged they did not know what kind of impact would have the whole process of the withdrawal of Bryant among star players who are free agents.

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