joi, 21 aprilie 2016

Begins the journey of the Olympic flame after being lit in Olympia

The lighting of the Olympic torch was held today in the ruins of ancient Olympia , a traditional ceremony that invoked the god Apollo and delivered the flame to the first torchbearer, which begins its journey Greece before going to Brazil.

Surrounded by a dreamlike choreography, actress Katerina lehu in his role as High Priestess of Olimpia, surrounded by other priests and vestal virgins, lit the flame using a parabolic mirror that deflects and concentrates the sun's rays.

The Olympic flame can only be lit with sunlight and, although there is a contingency plan, luckily the day at Olympia was sunny and there was no problem to perform the ceremony.

The priestesses carried the fire and three olive branches to the old Olympic stadium, where they performed a dance representing the ancient Olympic disciplines, and the High Priestess gave fire and an olive branch to the first torchbearer, the Lefteris Petrunias laureate gymnast.

Petrunias carried the torch at the monument to Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the Olympic Games Modern, and then handed it to the next carrier, Giovane Gávio, former volleyball player and representative of Brazil, host country of the Games.

The torch will make its journey through Greece for six days, until it reaches the Panatinaico stadium, home of the 1896 Athens Games next 27 and travel to Brazil.

The Olympic flame will pass before the Eleonas refugee camp, west of Athens, where a Syrian refugee, whose name has not been revealed, will be one of the relay and carry the torch on behalf of all refugees.

According to some media citing sources advance United Nations, the carrier is a Syrian athlete, former basketball player and swimmer, who fled his country after losing a leg in a bombing.

According to this information, the exdeportista has sought asylum in Greece and now works at a cafe in Athens.

The celebration began with the hoisting of the Olympic, Brazilian and Greek flags, and the speeches the mayor of Olympia and the presidents of the International Olympic Committees, Brazilian and Greek.

The authorities of the various Olympic committees made ​​emphasis on the universality of the Games, which this year will be held from 5 to 21 August in Brazil.

"Despite the difficulties that Brazil is facing today, the flame is an eternal reminder that we are all part of the same humanity. The flame is an ancient symbol of peace and harmony, a symbol of the power of humanity to join despite their differences, "said Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee, in his speech before the lighting of the flame.

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, did not attend the ceremony begins the countdown to Rio 2016 due to allegations of corruption and manipulation of accounts that it faces.

"The Olympic Games belong to all peoples, to all continents, to all mankind," said Carlos Nuzman, president of the organizing committee of Rio 2016, proud to receive the first Olympics held in South America.

The lighting of the flame in Greece is held at a particularly marked by refugee crises and economic.

"The Olympic flame carries a momentous and precious legacy from antiquity to our times, while sending messages of friendship and peace among people, highlighting the timeless values ​​of the Olympic movement we all share. Today especially the current world situation makes it imperative overthrow the walls that separate us, and build bridges to bring people together in peace and harmony, "noted Spyros Capralos, president of the Greek Olympic committee.

"Today, more than ever, in a time when wars still leave people without a country and athletes without a flag, the message of the Olympic Games of peace and brotherhood among peoples is important and imperative", he said, Meanwhile, Efthimios Kotzas, mayor of Olympia.

The Olympic torch begins its journey today, carrying its values ​​to the Maracana stadium, where the opening of Rio 2016 will be held on August 5.

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