miercuri, 20 aprilie 2016

63-75. Real Madrid failed her heart and aim against Fenerbahce

Real Madrid missed the heart and marksmanship (7 of 24 triples) and ended up losing by 63-75 before a Fenerbahce was much higher in the three matches quarterfinal and it is classified with justice for the Final Four of the Euroleague, which will be played in Berlin .

Jaycee Carroll scored the first triple of the game at twenty seconds and when Real Madrid retreated to the locker room at halftime that was the only basket of three who was appearing in his statistics after 13 attempts in 20 minutes.

Deprived of his best weapon in attack, Real Madrid suffered too much in the offensive, with lapse of several minutes that not only undermined their morale, but allowed the Fenerbahce wipe disadvantages in the first moments, or put some ground between the marker .

By contrast, in defense Real Madrid responded with flying colors . Bogdan Bogdanovic could not prove themselves and had to be Ekpe Udoh, but not be as dominant as in the two previous games, Bobby Dixon and Nikola Kalinic who take the reins of noting the Turks.

After the 9-5 (min.5), Real Madrid suffered a first pájara that lasted just over three minutes in which he accepted a 0-8, 9-13 and had the consequence of losing the first quarter by 13-18.

In the second quarter, Real Madrid took four minutes to score the first basket, clear that the Ottoman team was not much better. The partial 2-4 was rickety.

Two flashes of offensive game, first by Andres' Chapu "Nocioni (21-24, min.15) and after Sergio 'Chacho' Rodriguez (25-24, Min.17) allowed the Real Madrid get some air although finally out the locker room with a 27-30 against.

Matched rebounds, 17 for both teams, turnovers, 3 Real Madrid and Fenerbahce 5, and triples, 1 and 2, the little difference and low score are explained.

The second half began like the first, now with Rudy scoring triple, the second of Real Madrid, which marked the equalizer 30. A robbery and against the Mexican Gustavo Ayon Real Madrid returned to the black with 32-30 (min .twenty-one).

But continued failures in the shot, even from the line staff, and Fenerbahce took advantage of this new local break in the annotation to place another part this time from 0-14 in just over four minutes (32-44, min.25.15 ) that sowed dark clouds the future of the Madrid team.

Bogdanovic , who had not appeared until now, was one of those responsible for this part that stuck like a dagger in the side of the Spanish team.

Real Madrid tried to get 'epic comeback' mode, but private triple, a much more vulgar equipment turned, and at the end of the third quarter came with a 40-54 against more than worrying.

For if he missed something, rebound also favored the Turkish team, who found Luigi Datome as a reliable scorer in the final period, 47-64 (min.33).

Nevertheless, Real Madrid tried to end honor three consecutive triples, 2 and 1 Sergio Llull Carroll, (pity they were a little late) put this speck of hope in the stands with 58-66 (min.34.50) that the quality of Datome and Bogdanovic in particular and all the Fenerbahce in general were responsible for slow dry.

Real Madrid will not defend title in the Final Four in Berlin. Fenerbahce proved to be much higher in the quarterfinal series.

- Data sheet:

63 - Real Madrid (13 + 14 + 13 + 23): Rudy (5), Reyes (6), Ayon (14), Carroll (6) and Llull (8) -Team initially, Maciulis (3), Nocioni ( 6), Rodriguez (15), Doncic, Taylor, Lima and Rivers.

75 - Fenerbahce (18 + 12 + 24 + 21): Udoh (15), Antic (4), Bogdanovic (17), Dixon (14) and Datome (13) -Team initially, Hickman, Sloukas (1) and Kalinic (eleven).

Referees: Borys Ryzhyk (UKR), Robert Lottermoser (ALE) and Spiros Gkontas (GRE). Without eliminated.

Incidents: Third party corresponding to the playoff quarterfinals of the Euroleague played at the Sports Palace of Madrid (Barclaycard center) before 11,349 spectators.

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