vineri, 27 noiembrie 2015

The Legend Lomu

Monday '- Auckland - will celebrate the funeral of Jonah Lomu. He died nine days ago at age 40 of heart failure. In focus today we remember one of the most 'great sportsmen of all time

 There are few athletes in history that are identified by their sport. Think of a discipline, and you immediately think of a name. Jonah Lomu is one of them. He was not the most 'great rugby player ever. 

Jonah Lomu was, simply, the rugby. Like Michael Jordan in basketball, Maradona in soccer, Manuel Estiarte in water polo, Lomu has gone beyond the historical era of which he was the protagonist, he has shot down all boundaries of space and time and placed in the legend, with the difference that - compared to samples just mentioned - has never won anything. Five years, or rather something less, lasted its upward most of the All Black 'famous, a laughable amount of time when compared to the media coverage that has had on public opinion. And that damn 18 November 2015 in which no longer has' opened my eyes, in every part of the world's admiration for the struggle that he fought for years has given way to dismay

John Hart: '' He 'returned home Tuesday', stave well. E 'went to bed and nothing presaged the tragedy. Wednesday 'morning we found him lifeless. He has had a cardiac arrest, obviously caused by his poor health ''

Jonah Lomu is gone in 40 years and romantic that fortunately the world is full of sport, have preferred to think he'd hurry to break through the gates of Heaven as he did with the defences. 118 kilograms distributed over 196 cm in height, a personal best in the 100 meters in 10 seconds and eight, thirty-seven tries in 73 test matches with the shirt of New Zealand. Power and elegance, technique and speed: the guy originally from Tonga, but born and raised in a suburb of Auckland, was a war machine, created to revolutionized the world of rugby. Before he was a rugby discipline as noble as undervalued. Organization of almost amateur, fans grouped only in some areas of the world. Then came the world of 1995 - in the post-apartheid South Africa - and while the national home lifted the trophy, the undisputed king of that issue will reveal 'a twenty year old who lost the final with his All Blacks but sign' irreversibly fate of that sport. Unmistakable look, three-quarter-wing role, the more 'rookie in the history of New Zealand: the goal in the semifinal against England, dragging away and literally trampling opponents of opponents, will remain the symbolic image of an era: one where Jonah Lomu put at the disposal of the whole world the spectacle of rugby modern sense. And the federation Zealand - recently constituted at a professional level - I think 'well of making his first name a trademark, - for fear that the Americans with their football - the NFL - the lusingassero and convincessero cross the ocean to make it a star. He did not need. Who at that time he crossed the field New Zealand had to overcome two fears: the terrific Haka staged by the All Blacks before the test match and then Jonah Lomu - black man par excellence in a definition rather obvious.

Steve Tew: " I think that all those of my generation will remember that game World Cup where Jonah ran with a series of British clinging to him. But even more will remember the character. I got to attend the places he passed him and was a magnet for all. Probably was the first superstar of rugby "

Strange fate: the strongest of all was also the most fragile. In 1996, just a year after the world who revealed to the world, it was found to kidney dysfunction, initially underestimated. Then we realized what had really: nephrotic syndrome, a disease that would have weakened, while not preventing its participation in the World Cup of '99, the last with the shirt of New Zealand with which he came to a total of 15 destinations iridescent , a record still unbeaten although recently matched by South African Brian Habana. From then on, a long ordeal. In 2003, dialysis, kidney transplantation in 2004 - after a series of returns to the field - because an All Black is not spring, but now the real Jonah Lomu was gone. The final withdrawal from rugby - after a series of experiences in the minor leagues (in Europe) - arrives in 2010. A year later, the transplanted kidney fails and this time it is a donor. We have to live with the disease - and the affections - two sons after three marriages - give the force a living legend to go back and fight again. A few weeks ago - during the World English won just by the All Blacks - Lomu was, eternal ambassador of his sport. And - in the midst of many current champions - people asked him for an autograph to him.

Richie McCaw, the All Blacks captain (On Jonah Lomu): It '' a legend, probably the greatest of all times and not just by us in New Zealand. I imagine that the news of his death has shocked and touched fans in every corner of the earth. We lost a great man, an All Black. And I wanted to take this opportunity to remember "

Statues, biographies and films have not been able (and hardly will be in the future) to describe the full impact of this athlete in sports history. Someone to identify a sample, it lists the prize list. Jonah Lomu for this game is not worth. Because the more 'great rugby player in the world, never won a World Cup. But he puts all agree.

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