duminică, 29 noiembrie 2015

Atletico Madrid win but loses Tiago: for the former Juventus fractured tibia

Afternoon bittersweet one of Saturday's Atletico Madrid that while it retains second place thanks to the narrow victory against the ' Espanyol , the other loses Tiago for quite a long time. 

The former midfielder of Juventus , in fact, on the half hour the first time he was forced to leave the field on a stretcher after a serious battle with Asenjo . 

 The severity of the accident was also immediately perceived by Tiago who immediately called for help with gestures rather clear. Gravity then unfortunately confirmed by examinations that have found a compound fracture of the right tibia. Tiago, who left the field in tears, the season is pretty much over. 

 The Portuguese, however, can at least console themselves with the long applause from spectators from 'Calderon' when changing with Carrasco while Simeone after the game he tried to encourage his player: "Tiago has a great energy and is already counting the days to return. We say that we love him and we will send you all our heat. "

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