luni, 26 octombrie 2015

We all want the ball. But only a team can have

Since the beginning of the blog that tries to pass a different view of the traditional football game, so common in the nineties. So common in so many teams still in date!

Especially the emphasis on collective proceedings. In like manner teams move together. As the movement or X option determines the Y, the Z, etc. The emphasis on making the ball carrier's decision. The search for the superiorities. Decide according to the game situation that most approaches to team success, regardless of "fame".

Regardless of weapons (individual) the focus always on the offensive process. If decision-making is excellent (as it should always be!), Possession is accentuated. The time you spend with the ball is higher. Control is emphasize and the domain with good offensive principles. The Fortune favor the bold, it is said. And wanting to be offensive regardless of opponent is a virtue that is rewarded more often than it ends up being who chooses the path without the ball. Who chooses the way of playing only in defensive Organization, and deliver the ball after recovery, so as not to subject it to the opposing offensive transition.

However, it is a glaring mistake to think that because it gives greater weight greater focus on offensive moments, one can neglect the defensive. It's a huge mistake to believe that because they always want to have the ball, the defensive processes may be rudimentary. There is a ball for two teams! Even offensively they are both fabulous, when confronted, either or both, have less than usual ball!

The best are capable of excellence at all times! Even though well spend more time in which the defensive offensive! 

It is wrong to think that preparing a team of offensive excellence in processes requires whole world of time and as such, defensive moments are not worked. After all, they withdrew workout time to what matters most. Nothing more false! Always depends on the coach's ability to operationalized what idealizes. But that competent coach can not / does not integrate more than one moment of the game in your workouts? As if the offensive coaching Organization, did not involve coaching defensive Organization or transitions simultaneously!

Of course there is and there will always be the coaches of a more traditional school, opting for more standardize exercises, unopposed to get where you want. Of course, who does it, it works every time, each phase, each situation separately and there naturally will think to be more offensive involves removing competence / working time on the defensive. Also of course such coaches as those who only prepare his team for one or two moments of the game, or preparing for more, do not show excellence in such situations, are not counted here as the top of world football. 

Pictured not only the coach who wants and can do it! have the ball with you. But also the coach who controls more all times. The best defence in the world transition. Because after the inauguration, there will be goal or loss. Pictured who revolutionize the entire game. God Guardiola.

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