sâmbătă, 24 octombrie 2015

Pope derbys

Last 6 years

15 games, 10 wins, 4 draws, 1 loss
27 to 6 goals.

This time

2 games, 2 wins, 4-0 in goals

Its share of victories and so clearly in terms of mastery and control is such amazing way that the light had anybody who thought that derbys would (or would be) guaranteed victories. When in the years prior to his arrival at Benfica, Sporting some years ago that dominated his rival ...

PS - Meanwhile on TV discusses the lack of quality of the side SL Benfica. In the cafe where I saw the game discussing the lack of any motivating speech Rui Vitória in the resort. While there is such a lack of knowledge about the game, this blog will make sense ...

PS II - SL Benfica goes to have had the past six years the highest percentage of wins of his post history to the sixties ...

PS III - In twenty minutes derby Sporting made ​​more goals in the Light that he had added the previous six years. 

PS - IV - A regular television commentator who had been months on end to praise the merits of Benfica and see defects in everything what was the Sporting suddenly remembered to say that Sporting is no better than Benfica, but much better. Would joke realize is this opinion based on a result, when previously not been able to understand the transformations underway. Would joke ... was not this person called to comment ... soccer games. So, it's just the reality of what we have in Portugal.

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