luni, 26 octombrie 2015

Klopp and the importance of training

A few weeks after entering the club, and with players who hardly played or will not even enter in the accounts for the overwhelming majority of the league games ..

  • High blood pressure and intense, with the player who will press to have the concern to first close a Pass Line and then press.With colleagues to close the lines pass nearby and constantly have 3 or 4 players close to the game center. Players of the defensive line to show constantly through body language where colleagues must adjust. 

  • Player with ball often with 4 supports (forward, backward, left and right) near and visible (not worth being in the XYZ position one is an opponent to close the pass line, only count as lines if A is able to connect with B without interference from an opponent).
Does anyone think this would be possible only with lectures? No (very good) training, it would be impossible to achieve collective behavior as well defined. And, we repeat, players with little or no use. 

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