vineri, 23 octombrie 2015

Benitez's wife: "On our first date I explained the 4-4-2"

Montserrat Seara, the wife of Rafa Benitez , has given an interview to journalist Javier King of The Region, in which he speaks of the personality of the coach of Real Madrid .

 "On our first date we went to a pizzeria in Madrid. I had no idea of football and he took a pen and began to explain the checkered tablecloth which was the 4-4-2 ...", explains Montserrat Seara, who speaks of the things we had to give the be the wife of a famous coach: "I stopped doing things I liked. But I also won freedom and springs to help. We are doing many things in Liverpool with children with difficult childhoods. Actions that can only be achieved by having the surname Benitez behind. "

Montserrat Seara explains how Rafa more familiar Benitez . "Rafa sleeps very little, always works at night and step Dababa bottles girls when they were little thing is it got to watch games and small just returning to the home three hours later. "

The woman Rafa Benitez admits he does not like too famous to be: ... "It is hard Especially when you have kids Hence in England is better, because they respect the privacy and where we live, which is a small place, in Merseyside, are accustomed to Rafa is there and no hassles. "

What is clear is that there Seara Montserrat will move to Madrid with Rafa Benitez: ".. No. The girls have their life there, his studies, his friends and all the tranquility in Madrid we have to have succeeded disappear stability" .

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