joi, 25 februarie 2016

The joke of an Olympic penalty after Messi

Kelly Sotherton, bronze in Athens 2004 in the heptathlon and fanatical Arsenal did believe he had embedded the TV remote on the screen during the game

Kelly Sotherton , heptathlon bronze medal in Athens in 2004 and unrepentant fan of Arsenal, published on social networks which had destroyed the television to launch the command against the screen at the time when Flamini committed the penalty on Messi during Arsenal- Barca Champions.

With 0-1 against, the penalty left the tie very difficult for Arsenal. Sotherton tweeted his "feat" and later, a friend who was watching the game was responsible for giving graphic testimony of the moment.

She herself was responsible for tweeting her and, soon after:

However, later, it was also Sotherton herself who was responsible for denying the act of rage.

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