vineri, 26 februarie 2016

Nauzet German: "A person told me he wanted to kill me"

The player UD Las Palmas Nauzet German said Thursday the altercation that occurred in the early hours of Sunday at a nightclub in Gran Canaria 'scapital, after the match with Barcelona. It was attacked by an "individual" who threatened to kill him , in his words in The Party of COPE 12. Now is dropped from the team and wanted to apologize to the club and the fans.
Nauzet expressed his regret "for having disrespected" the club, the president, the coach and teammates, but the rest do not can "control". "I want to apologize from here , which so far have not been able to speak, and I ask to know that the heart ". The canary footballer has also recognized its share of responsibility. "I consider myself guilty of not having been at 00.00 in my house, as it should have been. Maybe I was not up to the club. "
He first explained how it happened. "I was with my best friends and my wife, we went to dinner and have a drink outside and then what happened happened." "We went into a booth of a local, quiet place, and an individual comes and tells me he wants to kill me . I see you face aggression, I see that was not kidding, I depart, I will ask for explanations and all of a suddenthrows me a glass into his face . "
The midfielder Las Palmas states that the wound was serious, but it could be worse. "With the impact of the glass I start to bleed a lot, a stir is formed and members of security becomes calm. I get near the eye, inside the bad, I appreciate you have not gone to more . Then they take me to the hospital and sewn together. I did not lose consciousness at any time. "
The individual who threw the glass has said that wants to denounce Nauzet for assault , a fact that the player categorically denies. "I reported that gentleman when it was all over and this gentleman said yesterday, before the judge, who wanted to denounce me. There are security cameras to show that I have not attacked this man in no time. The coroner has said that it is impossible to have a share of injuries because it seeth him anything.Now I hope that justice does justice. "
On the internal sanction the club that keeps him away from the club 15 days, the Canarian midfielder took responsibility. "Acato all decisions because I incumplí a rule, made a mistake and accept the penalty they want me to put.I always face, I admit mistakes, and I assume all I want is to help the team and achieve the goal of permanence "he said.

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