duminică, 28 februarie 2016

It is very difficult for Barca lost; they are the best

Diego Simeone , coach of Atletico Madrid , insisted on Monday that Barcelona today, is the best, so he considered it "very difficult to lose," he said he expects to see a stadium "completely full" Tuesday before the Real Sociedad and highlighted the sense of ownership of their team.

"I saw the Barcelona game with Sevilla. Beyond the result does not change my thinking or work. We have a clear objective which is to improve ourselves. And it is clear that to improve you have to make a good game, beyond what the Barcelona, ​​it is very difficult to lose, because it is clear that today in football are the best, "she added.

Atletico received Tuesday at the Royal Society to eight points off the lead of Barça, after his victory in the derby. Simeone does not think a relaxation of his team against San Sebastian set. "Our people know that the most important thing is not the shirt with which you face, ours know that the most important thing is to wear the shirt of Atletico Madrid , " he said.

"And from there, friendly, Cup, Super Cup, Champions League ... We played with the same enthusiasm for wearing our shirt," said the coach at a news conference before the afternoon session at the Vicente Calderon, while he is highlighting the sense of belonging to Atletico with his players.

"I think it is very difficult to achieve membership of a place for various reasons, not impossible, but it is difficult. And lucky us at Atletico we have achieved. We found a fantastic group and the results have helped us to find this what we're talking about, which is not very easy to find. They can play better or worse, but it is clear that we have "he said.


The technician now focuses to continue improving "to continue taking goal situations." "The improvement is to maintain balance and strength that the team has as a whole and continue to generate scoring chances," said Simeone, who was asked by the agency in attack French Antoine Griezmann , with 20 goals.

"It is the same that has the Barcelona with Messi, Neymar and Suarez; the same with Ronaldo Real Madrid; Athletic, with Aduriz; Sevilla with Gameiro ... "reviewed the coach, pending how his players have recovered derby on Saturday to set up your eleven waited Calderon Tuesday a" fully booked ".

"I imagine an important atmosphere in the stadium from a very important victory of the players and the team. And that pushes and necessary. Sometimes that strength to keep fighting with the same vitality with which we are doing is needed. Hopefully tomorrow will make an important game, "he explained.

Atletico faces the appointment after becoming the first team to win three times in a row in the league at the Bernabeu Real Madrid. "It is a situation that has generated work, effort, stability, because almost every game they have earned have been a great team effort and are circumstances that serve to have numbers in the history of the game, but we take with great ease, as if we had won in any other field, "Simeone assessed.

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