vineri, 26 februarie 2016

Saez returns 63,000 euros after the scandal in the Spanish Federation

The Administrative Tribunal of Sport (CAS) decided on Friday again postponed until next, March 4, the study of a possible opening of dossiers to the presidents of football federations (RFEF), Angel Maria Villar , and basketball ( FEB), José Luis Sáez , after studying the documents sent by the Higher Sports Council (CSD) on 11 February.
"The Court is deliberating, more time for reflection is needed and it is left for longer decision. They are very complex issues that need time to think , " said the presiding judge, Arnaldo Alcubilla , who denied that there was external pressure to take a decision.
"Pressure can not admit that we have, because we could not solve. No court can admit pressures," said Arnaldo sharp, after leaving a meeting that lasted nearly three hours.
On February 11 the CSD documentation sent both cases, FEB RFEF and requesting the opening of disciplinary proceedings for the president of the Football Federation, Angel Maria Villar, and his deputy Vice President for Economic Affairs,Juan Padrón . The same request was asked for the president of the Basketball Federation, José Luis Sáez, and its secretary general and chief economist, Luis Gimenez.
On the RFEF, the CSD referred to CAS cases Recreativo de Huelva and CD Marino Tenerife-Sur, which identified a supposed "unfairness" and "undermining the principle of equality of clubs" for an alleged deal for both clubs.
In the Federation of Basketball, sending Case CSD to CAS was made after reviewing the allegations of the federative leaders denouncing the president of the Catalan Federation, after which the Council considered that there could be a "imputation of private expenditure the accounts of the Federation and the federative misuse of funds. "

With that documentation, on February 19, seven members of the court left the decision for a week later, after meeting for nearly three hours to discuss the requests submitted by the CSD, which requested the initiation of administrative proceedings to both presidents.
José Luis Sáez returned after the scandal broke, the more than 63,000 euros charged in particular the budget of the Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB) costs, which could lead Friday to the Administrative Tribunal of Sport (CAS) to agree their temporary suspension.
The defense of Saez after the complaint filed with the Superior Sports Council (CSD) by the Audit Committee, Monitoring and Control of the accounts of the FEB last November 27 is based on three pillars, as has been know this newspaper.
Thus, it has been alleged that the accounts are audited and approved by the appropriate body, which has already returned the money under suspicion by bank transfer and it was a way of habitual action impute personal expenses to the FEB that refunded with -some later with nearly a belatedly decade.
Asked by this newspaper, a spokesman for the Federation dodged provide details on the allegations made. "They have it sent data who have requested it, which is the maximum establishment of Spanish sport" he said.
The TAD must decide at its meeting on Friday whether to take a decision against Jose Luis Saez, after the CSD to refer the case last February 11 when assessing an alleged misuse of funds although these were compensated after exploding the case FEB .
The Cardinal Miguel presiding body has simply request the opening of disciplinary proceedings for basketball honcho, but the reviewing body of the federal activity could go further and agree to the temporary suspension of trade. But it would be the first time in his two years of life that the TAD provisionally suspended a president without the CSD has requested explicitly.
As unveiled the world last December 11, the Control Committee of the accounts of the FEB Audit, Monitoring and made aware of Cardinal Jose Luis Saez had yet to submit bills for 29,428 euros in expenses incurred cards (VISA and American Express) Caja Madrid between 2006 and 2010.
In other 33,907.76 euros that amount that the Federation would advance Saez for the performance of their duties and whose destination that "there would be justified 'when the complaint was lodged, although it had elapsed up to nine years were added. The sum of both concepts total 63,336.64 euros.
The CAS ruling will occur before the end of the follow-up audit ordered by the CSD and has put on review FEB accounts between 2009 and 2015, more than half of the stage Sáez as president She took office in late 2004-.
In parallel, the CSD has authorized the Basketball Federation ahead to the first quarter the beginning of the electoral process to renew its governing bodies in the second, as asked Saez to Cardinal rejoined the day after two months of medical leave. In its mandatory report, the CAS considers "very convenient regularize the situation of the FEB as soon as possible."
The proposed electoral calendar fixed June 20 the day of the election of the new president, which no longer will choose Saez after nearly 12 years in office. His successor will be released on the eve of the national team to concentrate to play the Games in Rio de Janeiro.

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