vineri, 4 decembrie 2015

Villarreal, annoyed by accusations of Real Madrid

Fernando Roig, president of Villarreal , held a press conference after Florentino Perez said that the 'yellow' set not communicated to Real Madrid in the situation of Denis Cheryshev.

The chief executive of the club fought back and said that they are only responsible for their players.. "We are not responsible for players who are not on our staff Villarreal is quiet, has no responsibility We are responsible for the players we have, nothing else".

That was the press conference of Florentino Perez"On July 27 we arrived a circular with all players suspended circular that reach all the clubs," he said. "I'm not going to judge Florentino. We have outstanding people to our sanctions, not of others," he added.

He also recalled that they too have a penalised player who could not play, " Pina was in the same situation, sanctioned in the same game, has not played today do not have any responsibility. ".

Fernando Roig, Villarreal president, has been vigorously stressed at a press conference that his club has "no liability" in the case of the possible penalty to Real Madrid by the improper alignment of midfielder Denis Cherysev.

For Roig, "Villarreal in this situation do not have to assume any responsibility or obligation, the club is neither judge, nor anything transmitter".

"We focus on our team said the president of the yellow-computer, not on other teams and other players. We received a notification of the Federation, we saw that we had our sanctioned as a player was Tomas Pina, so we do not it has happened to bring this party. But from there not think we have an obligation to anything else. "

The alleged obligation to notify the sanction of the player, as the Real Madrid ensures Roig reiterated that they are not "nothing transmitters"

Regarding complaints Player Denis Cheryshev , the president noted that "until June 30, Cheryshev was Villarreal's so far was our responsibility, but once out of the club points away us. If money we should therefore understand we were required something, but not that way, I do not know what more we can do in this case. "

Asked if Real Madrid has contacted Villarreal Roig admitted that "one of Madrid has spoken with the CEO. I understand it is a difficult situation for Real Madrid and that is difficult. But all I want highlight is that I think we have nothing to do. "

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