luni, 14 decembrie 2015

No TV for athletes: Rio-2016, ready 80%, tightens its belt

No TV in the rooms of the athletes, VIP area reduced and fewer printouts: the Organizing Committee of Rio 2016 Olympic Games is not to exceed one cent on budget and is now tightening its belt in Brazil in full recession.

Thus, the rooms of the athletes will not have TVs and there will be only one position per apartment. The VIP area will be more modest than in other editions and paper savings will also be made with less printed material. It was even planned to remove the air conditioning in the Olympic Village, but before the chorus of protests, the idea was abandoned.

Brazil's economy entered recession in the second quarter, inflation reached 10% and unemployment is rising. This situation is different from the booming countries chosen in 2009 to host the first Olympics in South America.

"It will be the first Olympics that will have an intelligent management of costs, with a balanced budget. We will play games with the money we have (...) without leaving debts to the government or society," said AFP the communications director of the committee, Mario Andrada.

It emphasised that the cuts could be of the order of 5% -20%.

The Rio-2016 committee has 7.4 billion reais ($ 1.9 billion) to organize the Olympics and its purpose is not to draw on the fund of 780 million dollars from the federal government, which will be used to of other sectors such as security, transport infrastructure and energy.

Mr. Andrada assured however that "it will not save on the grounds of competitions, sports, ceremonies or the legacy of the Olympics" or anything related to athletes and fans.

"Rio 2016 is ready today to 80% in April and it will be ready 100% and 120% during the games. This will be a spectacular Olympiad," the official added.

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