luni, 14 decembrie 2015

Flavia Pennetta: tired of competing

The life of a former professional tennis player Flavia Pennetta is different from the past, but also exciting. First Italian to win the victory at the US Open, Champion decided to leave immediately after the races: the opportunity to tell how he is experiencing at the moment is "StartupItalia! Open Summit 2015", the first open event dedicated to startups Italian in Milan , of which she was a guest of honor. 

"My new life is beautiful, it's different, it's exciting in some views and quieter in others, are very happy and serene and this is important," he told askanews. 

Behind the decision to leave the court, he explained, there is a sentimental reason, contrary to what many have speculated. 

"My choice is not due to the pair but a feeling I had inside of me, a physical and mental fatigue, the fact that maybe not every day I wanted to compete in a world where you have to do it all the time," he said. The daily life of Flavia Pennetta has not changed much, despite the absence from competition. 

"I was in India until a week ago to play performances - he said - I go an hour and a half in the gym to keep fit because they told me that it is better if I do not stop of all, otherwise my body will suffer much . Do I workout always so my coach said you come to the gym every day we take an hour and a half, two, then do what you want. " 

"Right now I like to wake up in the morning and know that I have to go to the gym and then I have nothing to do all day, then suddenly: last week I did something I had not done since I was very small, the 'Christmas tree, I had never had time "said Pennetta.

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