joi, 3 decembrie 2015

Karim Benzema sign progression year on Instagram

Karim Bezema nursed his notoriety in 2015 but the case of the clear night sextape his comm '. - @ K Benzema

 If different with Mathieu Valbuena is (much) about him, it is not the reason for the interest of users of social network Instagram pictures towards Karim Benzema. In 2015, he was not a matter of his judicial worries this is to not also the place to find an explanation to the fact that the striker Real Madrid is the French personality who rose to strongest growth over the network in 2015.

+ 2.3M followers in addition to Karim Bezema

Karim Benzema has 8.2 million followers in the month of November 2015, an increase of 5.7 million subscribers this year. Its growth is higher than that of a former football player of Real Madrid, Zinedine Zidane (+ 2.3M) but also to other stars of the media landscape, French sporting or cultural such as David Guetta (+ 2.7m) and Kev Adams (+ 1.6M). Rapahäel Varane, teammate Karim Benzema to Real Madrid and Team France has seen its community grow by more 1.5 million followers on the same period.

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