marți, 2 august 2016

Pili Peña: "I have not thought about anything other than winning gold"

The captain of the Spanish selection of waterpolo, Pilar 'Pili' Peña said that "has not thought" nothing more than "win gold" at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro and, for that reason, not to assess which would get another medal or stay off the podium, as the Spanish team is one of the favorites with United States , who snatched gold at the end of London 2012.

"I have not thought about anything other than winning gold. I do not know if it would be a failure not to win, I have not thought of. I have not put in that case, and we hope to return to Spain with that desired medal" he said in an interview with Europa Press.

The new captain, who takes over from the discarded Jennifer Pareja, remarked that still have a few days to perfect preparation for this appointment. "Right now we are there training, we still charge this week but we are eager and very excited to start," he said.

"We have to keep a cool mind what might happen. If we do well, we do not have to go up, and if we do badly either have to be sad or frustrated," said Peña on the dynamics of the meetings, and gave very important to have mental strength and know channel emotions at all times.

Referring to the preparation meetings, where champion Spain was proclaimed Tournament Portugalete , Madrid defined the milestone as "very good" because work is reflected workouts. "I think this is very good for us because the results reflected all that are training and short - term, you're realizing that you are fulfilling goals to reach the final goal, which is gold , " he played .

"For me to be captain me involved in helping all my teammates and be with them soldiered every day and worry about them. I am the link between the template and coaches," he said about his captaincy, new task for Peña after no call by the coach Miki Oca, of Jennifer Pareja.

The water polo downplayed the group stage and the first match against the favorites, United States. "I think what happens in the group is not decisive because the most important is the crossroads and if we win or lose in the group stage, there will not depend, but I think America is going to be a team to beat the truth, "he said.

"We have trained to play all the games and minutes it takes. We're talking about a sport where we do a lot of changes and I think we will give everything in every game, that's for sure," he said about the difficulty to hold all parties to the maximum level.

On the precarious state of the facilities of Rio and the Zika virus, he remarked that have to be protected but do not think they have too many problems. "Until we get there, we will not know really everything that happens there. Since Federation have given us some mosquito repellent protected for us to go, but do not think we have a lot of problems there in the Villa with all those security issues that are emerging, "he said Pili Peña.

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