luni, 30 mai 2016

Government expresses its "pain" by the "terrible" attack on a rock of Real Madrid

The acting Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz, today expressed "pain" of the government by the "terrible" armed attack on a rock of Real Madrid in Iraq, an attack that has linked to the self - styled Islamic State (EI) you are feeling "cornered" in Iraq and Syria .

A new armed attack against a rock of Real Madrid in Iraq killed at least four dead and five wounded when some fans were watching Saturday night 28th final of the Champions League that faced the white club with Atletico Madrid .

Speaking to EFE in Barcelona, ​​Fernandez Diaz has it regretted those "terrible attacks in Iraq": "Clearly it hurts very special way because it is about attacks directly linked to the success that had the Madrid in the Champions League , " he added.

The minister they recalled that Iraq is "in a situation where the Daesh (Islamic State) is in retreat, as in Syria," a situation that "makes right now absolutely intensify the attacks against all that believe are countries that in one way or another, within the framework of the antiDaesh coalition are against these fanatical terrorists ".

A terrorism "tries to annihilate anyone who does not share their initiatives" and "is taking its bloodiest clawing because they are feeling cornered by the advance of the forces that are fighting in Syria and most especially in Iraq way," he said the minister and the Catalan PP candidate in the general election.

On May 13, an armed attack similar to Saturday, against a café where the rock of Real Madrid in the city of Balad, north of Baghdad gathered, killed thirteen other people, including ten Iraqi fans white club.

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