duminică, 18 iunie 2017

Matilde Mourinho – Daughter of José Mourinho

Matilde Tita Mourinho, the stunning and only daughter of Chelsea’s manager Jose Mourinho is turning into a beautiful and elegant young woman. Matilde Mourinho who joined her famous father at the GQ Awards raised eyebrows in an eye-popping designer dress by Balmain.

That’s right, Chelsea FC’s fervent manager who recently resigned named his daughter after his wife, just like he named his son after himself. It’s only fitting for a man of such narcissism. Daughter Matilde recently made headlines when she showed up with dad for the GQ awards in a rather flattering dress. I’m willing to bet she will end up dating a soccer player. Father Mourinho’s vigor and aggressive managing style alone shot his daughter up the rankings.

Hollie Shearer – Daughter of Alan Shearer

The daughter of the beloved Newcastle star who stole the heart of Geordies and Britons alike during his career is trying to lay her own claim to fame. Hollie has her own music on Instagram, YouTube, and Soundcloud. Aside from devoting much of her life to singing, she attends several Alan Shearer Foundation events that raise awareness for disabled people.

Charlotte Rummenigge – Daughter of Karl-Heinz Rummenigge

One of five children, Charlotte has been performing dressage at high-level competition for quite some time. There is even a page devoted to her competition results. Her father’s competition results were quite impressive, as Karl-Heinz is a three-time Bundesliga top scorer with Bayern Munich, a two-time World Cup Runner-Up (1982, 1986) and a winner of the 1980 European Championships with West Germany. That’s quite a lot for a daughter to live up to, which she recognizes in an interview at one of her events.

Dalma Maradona – Daughter of Diego Maradona

She might be beautiful, but her father’s unspeakable doing in the 1986 World Cup quarterfinal against England will leave her in last place in any ranking – at least for all of us associated with Her Majesty. For those of you unaware, “The Hand of God” is what is being referring to. Diego’s blatant fisting of the ball into the goal went uncalled and England has since been unable to get to the finals of a World Cup since. Dalma is in her 20s and is a professional singer and actress, so of course she has Instagram and Twitter pages. Interestingly, her sister Giannina was married for four years to Manchester City star Sergio Agüero.

Jade Leboeuf – Daughter of Frank Leboeuf

Frank Leboeuf was among the finest defenders of his generation that has since successfully transitioned into acting, with one of his recent roles being in the Academy Award nominated film The Theory of Everything. 

Nowadays, he looks more like a bohemian philosopher in the mould of Jean-Paul Sartre but in his days on the pitch he was a Chelsea hero who also, with his national team France, won the 1998 World Cup and the 2000 European Championship. Unfortunately, not much is known about is daughter Jade. 

But from her Instagram profile, it is clear to see that she is a stunning brunette who seems to have a knack for photography and self promotion. Jade is also passionate about modelling and travelling.

Claudia Hierro – Daughter of Fernando Hierro

Claudia captured the awe of many Spanish online publications, and will now capture yours, after photos of her family vacation in Ibiza surfaced. Speaking of family, they certainly have not shied away from the limelight as her brother Álvaro dated Miss España, Desirée Cordero. Her father Fernando is a five-time La Liga champion with Real Madrid and three-time UEFA Champions League winner.

Family of Fernando Hierro - ex of Real Madrid

Fernando Hierro has a wife Sonia. They have two children, son - Alvaro (24) and daughter - Claudia (22). Sonia loves Andalusian music, she often dancing flamenco at home. She likes action movies, Mediterranean cuisine, football and basketball who has practiced sporadically. She’s the biggest supporter of her husband.

Bianca Gascoigne – Step-daughter of Paul Gascoigne

We meet Bianca Gascoigne who is the stunning daughter of former midfielder Paul “Gazza” Gascoigne. With a career spanning nearly two decades, Paul spent time with teams like Newcastle United, Tottenham Hotspur and Boston United while racking up a career record of 388 games, 83 goals and 57 appearances with the England National Team with an added 10 goals. No wonder he’s recognized as “the most naturally gifted English midfielder of his generation!”

WAGs wish their partners a happy Father's Day

Happy father's day to all of them and every other dad out there.

Estelle Bergkamp – Daughter of Dennis Bergkamp

Daughters of Famous Footballers - part 2 - Estelle Bergkamp – Daughter of Dennis Bergkamp

Hottest Daughters of Famous Footballers

Danielle Favatto – Daughter of Romario

Brazilian legend Romario is considered one of the best strikers of all time.But one thing is for sure his daughter is a total package.
Not much is known, about Danielle Favatto, except, she is an active and avid user of social media, Favatto posts pictures of herself on Instagram regularly.
However, She’s the typical Brazilian girl: tanned, thin and with a killer body.

Valentina Allegri – Daughter of Massimilano Allegri

sâmbătă, 17 iunie 2017

Russian skiny WAG - Maria with her husband Pavel Pogrebnyak

A former Premier League WAG who has previously denied rumours she is anorexic, has shocked fans by revealing that she is undergoing cold laser liposuction.

Maria Pogrebnyak-Shatalova, 26, the wife of Russian striker Pavel Pogrebnyak, recently posted a picture of herself with tubes attached to her stomach on social media.

Pogrebnyak, 32, enjoyed spells at Reading and Fulham before moving back to Russia to sign for Dynamo Moscow last year.

TOP 6 Hottest Female Football Referees In The World

Beautiful women who made names for themselves refereeing in the world of football.

 6. Aurélie Sarà Bollier – Switzerland

A beautiful creature of Mother Nature, Europes sexiest football referee, a Swiss referee Aurélie sarà Bollier is getting a lot of attention because she is a 25-year-old attractive brunette.

She has made a name for herself refereeing in amateur leagues in Switzerland.

Aurélie recently told Blick that “I will never referee a professional game”.

Sorry for all you fans out there, the only way you’ll get to see her in action is if you travel to an amateur game.

See pictures of Swiss referee Aurélie Sarà Bollier below.

miercuri, 14 iunie 2017

Simona Halep nu participa la Birmingham

Simona Halep se gandeste deja la banii de la Wimbledon, asa ca a decis sa nu participe la turneul de la Birmingham, care are premii in valoare totala mai mica decat ar castiga campioana de la Wimbledon!

Turneul pe iarba de la Birmingham este dotat cu premii in valoare totala de 846.000 de euro si este programat pe toata durata saptamanii viitoare.

Tenismena din Romania a luat aceasta decizie pentru a-si proteja glezna care a tot deranjat-o dupa finala disputata la Roma, noteaza publicatia Ubi Tennis.

"Mai multe surse din Romania si America de Nord ne spun ca Simona nu va participa la acest turneu", anunta publicatia in cauza.

De altfel, Simona Halep a si anuntat duminica, dupa ce s-a intors de la Roland Garros, ca sunt sanse sa nu se duca la Birmingham, iar pe toata durata acestei saptamani a avut un program lejer.

Reprezentanta noastra se afla in prezent la Sinaia, pentru a se odihni si reincarca fortele in vederea celui de-al treilea turneu de Grand Slam al anului, Wimbledon, programat in perioada 3-16 iulie.

Anthems România - Chile 3-2 Friendly 13/06/2017

France and England entry together to the sound of DON'T LOOK BACK IN ANG...

Fans from England don't want to participate in the wave with the French ...

WeStandTogether, France vs England sung God Save the Queen

England fans singing "Don't Look Back In Anger", ahead of France kick off

Scotland fans singing Loch Lomond at HT with England

England fans sing at the Bombardier Pub before match against France 13/0...

Hong Kong Fans vs North Korea 13/06/2017 AFC Asian Cup UAE 2819

China fans vs Syria 13/06/2017

England fans in Paris for friendly France - England 13/06/2017

marți, 13 iunie 2017

Ce mașini de lux are Simona Halep în garaj?

Simona Halep este in momentul de fata unul din sportivii de top din lume. O multime de fani de pe fiecare continent, turnee de tenis castigate sau in care a jucat finala, i-au adus si o galagie de bani. Reteta succesului alaturi de foarte multa munca? Simona a speculat momentul, cand in tenis se invart foarte multi bani, si-a planificat succesul si si-a atras fanii de partea ei.

La 25 de ani, stie ca mai are destui ani de cariera in fata, care ii vor dubla si chiar tripla veniturile in urmatorii ani. Nu stiu cat de impatimita este ea in ale soferiei sau tatal ei, cert este ca in garajul familiei Halep din Constanta se afla deja 5 masini de lux in suma totala de peste jumatate de milion de euro: un Porsche 911 Carrera S, un Porsche Panamera, un Range Rover și cele mai noi achiziții – un Mercedes GLE 450 AMG și un Mercedes CLS AMG.

Într-un interviu acordat ziarului Libertatea, Simona Halep declara: ”Am susţinut examenul în aprilie 2012. Nu eram focusată pe subiect. L-am picat de 2 ori. Am dat doar 21 de răspunsuri corecte din 26, iar a treia oară am făcut 24, l-am luat. La examentul practic nu am avut însă probleme!”.

Simona Halep jignita dur de Radu Banciu

Banciu s-a lansat in stilul lui caracteristic la atacuri asupra persoanelor aflate pe prima pagina a stirilor, in speranta ca asa va apare si el, pe prima pagina alaturi de ele. Din toate "rautatile" spuse de Banciu, raman cu o intrebare foarte pertinenta: "Pentru 7 meciuri să iei 2 milioane de euro"??? Asta e tenisul in ziua de azi - o afacere!

"Simona Halep este detestabilă. Nu am spus că e cea mai slabă, dar nu e de nivelul ăsta. Şi am spus că e detestabilă din mai multe puncte de vedere. De exemplu, că nu ştie să se comporte. Aia (n.r.- Jelena Ostapenko) era mai tânără, mai frumoasă... Ştiţi care e diferenţa dintre Serena şi Simona? 18-0 la titluri de Mare Şlam. Dacă Charlie Hebdo ar fi făcut o caricatură, Halep ar fi stat cu creionul în mână şi i-ar fi numărat erorile lui Ostapenko! Da' dă dracu şi tu două mingi ca lumea! Pune şi tu două mingi pe linie cum a făcut aia! Foarte bine că s-a întors în ţară cu primul avion. Măcar a învăţat ceva", a susţinut Radu Banciu.

Radu Banciu i-a jignit dur pe Simona Halep şi pe Rafael Nadal după turneul de la Roland Garros. Banciu a spus că Simona Halep este "detestabilă", că Nadal e un "nenorocit" şi i-a transmis lui Cristian Tudor Popescu faptul că tenisul "este la fel de detestabil ca fotbalulul". "Eşti naiv, Cristiane, dacă tu crezi că Simona ta sau Nadal sunt mai de apreciat decât fotbaliştii. Şi tenisul este la fel de detestabil ca fotbalul. Nenorocitul ăla de Nadal, care a luat 10 titluri... V-aţi închinat la toţi dopaţii! Să îl întrebaţi pe Nadal peste 10 ani cum a luat titlurile alea. Să nu îmi spuneţi că Roland Garros, care e un turneu de c...t... Pentru 7 meciuri de c...t să iei 2 milioane de euro înseamnă că tenisul e un sport la fel de fals ca şi fotbalul", a mai afirmat Banciu.

Simona Halep a pierdut finala feminină de la Roland Garros, fiind învinsă în trei seturi de letona Jelena Ostapenko, în timp ce Rafael Nadal a câştigat în trei seturi finala masculină a turneului. Este al 10-lea trofeu pentru Nadal la Roland Garros, o performanţă unică în istoria tenisului.

Banciu amendat pentru declaratiile despre machidoni

Dupa ce mai multi machidoni s-au autosesizat si s-au organizat pe Facebook, apoi au inaintat o petitie,  membrii Consiliului Naţional al Audiovizualului (CNA) au decis, ieri, să sancţioneze postul B1 TV cu amendă de 50.000 de lei pentru abateri de la legislaţia audiovizualului în mai multe emisiuni.

Membrii CNA au stabilit că în emisiunea "Lumea lui Banciu" difuzată pe 17 mai postul a încălcat prevederi potrivit cărora sunt interzise în programele audiovizuale afirmaţii defăimătoare generalizatoare la adresa unui grup/comunităţi definit(e) de gen, vârstă, rasă, etnie, naţionalitate, cetăţenie, credinţe religioase, orientare sexuală, nivel de educaţie, categorie socială, afecţiuni medicale sau caracteristici fizice.

În legătură cu această emisiune, membrii Consiliului au primit mai multe reclamaţii. "Jurnalistul Radu Banciu a făcut afirmaţii denigratoare la adresa unor personalităţi ale sportului internaţional, respectiv Simona Halep şi Gheorghe Hagi, şi, extrem de grav, la adresa comunităţii etnice din care aceştia fac parte, afirmând că la 'machidoni', 'la ei, după cum ştiţi, în regnul lor, femeia nu este departe de a fi tratată ca un animal'", se arată într-una dintre sesizări. 

duminică, 11 iunie 2017

Flower of Scotland at Glasgow before Scotland v England

Young England fans & Scotland fans clash 10/06/2017

England Fans and Scotland Fans for the national anthem's 10/06/2017

Scotland fans celebrate goal against England - Griffiths - 10/06/2017

Benevento Fans vs Carpi, Finale Play Off Serie B 08/06/2017

Bosnie Herzegovine vs Grece Fans [0-0} 09/06/2017

Celtic Fans in Paradise @ Las Vegas Convention - Pool party

Celtic fans party in Vegas!

Celtic Fans sing at Super Pool Party @ Las Vegas Celtic Convention 2017

Celtic Fans sing You'll Never Walk Alone @ Party Casino Westgate Las Vegas

sâmbătă, 3 iunie 2017

Real Madrid Fans atmosphere in Cardiff 03:06:2017

Juventus Fans in Cardiff 03/06/2017 sing Vincere

Eleonora Boi with Juventus fans in Cardiff 03/06/2017

Zebra Juventus Fans in Cardiff 03/06/2017 for Champions League Final

Juventus Fans sing in Cardiff - UCLFinal 03/06/2017

Juventus Fans in Cardiff for Champions League Final 03/06/2017

Real Madrid Fans in Cardiff sing for televisions :)

Real Madrid Fans in Cardiff Gareth Bale's Elevens Bar and Grill