marți, 2 august 2016

The new governor will review the accounts of Tokyo 2020

The new governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike, said Tuesday it will create a research group to review the ongoing process of organizing the Olympic Games in Tokyo 2020 and to submit an interim report the situation in September.

"We will review the process to ensure that the budget is adequate to check tenders and public procurement," Koike said today during his first appearance before the media as governor of the capital, broadcast by public broadcaster NHK.

The group will act sponsored under a department of political reform of the metropolis led by Koike itself as part of its strategy to create greater transparency in the city, one of the three pillars on which it based its mandate, along with diversity and security, he said.

"The Olympic and Paralympic Games to be a success," said the new head of government in Tokyo, the first woman in office, which overwhelmingly won elections last Sunday consistory.

To do this, "we need to make public such information as budgets", an aspect in which believes that "the government of Tokyo has very low level."

The Olympic Games to be held in the Japanese capital in four years have been punctuated by a long history of controversy.

The Government of the Metropolitan Area of ​​the capital -under the mandate of Yoichi Masuzoe, who resigned in June by a scandal of improper spending of funds públicos- decided by the organizing committee 2020 Tokyo a year ago discard the original draft of the Olympic stadium after double the cost initially budgeted.

This led to launch a new tender to choose a more sustainable design and delay construction until early 2017, with the consequent delay in its completion for -prevista shortly before the start of the games summer- and the transfer of Rugby World Cup 2019, to be held in this room.

Add to this the problems generated around the Olympic logo, which had to be replaced by accusations of plagiarism, and the ongoing investigation of alleged bribes Tokyo's candidacy adds.

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