marți, 2 august 2016

Foreign recommends using repellents against Zika in Rio and not resist in case of assault

The Foreign Ministry has issued preventive measures to all those who go to Brazil to witness the Olympic Games Rio 2016, among which include the fight against Zika virus and how to act in case of theft or kidnapping.

Security in the country carioca still in question a few days before the start of the competition. It is for this reason that the Spanish Government, following the warnings expressed by the Brazilian authorities and the World Health Organization (WHO), gathered on Monday the correct ways of acting for fans who do not want to miss the appointment.

The Zika virus has been a real headache for health services in recent months, although the situation is under control, many athletes have chosen to forgo to participate in these Games.

The Ministry, said the best way to combat the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, which transmits both Zika as dengue and chikungunya, is "trying to prevent bites by using repellents, clothing, and avoid places and prone times as far as possible".

In addition, the need to see a doctor immediately "in case of perceived symptoms" of the disease is accentuated. "On the other hand, it is convenient to take precautions avoiding drinking tap water. When consuming vegetables and fruits, check that they have been properly washed and disinfected," they include.

"No resistance" IN CASE OF ASSAULT

On the other hand, foreign explains that "Brazil is a country with a high crime rate" that have studied the modus operandi of the criminals. In this way, they indicate that the ideal in case of being assaulted is "no resistance, even when the assailants are lower, because attackers are often armed and can be found under the influence of drugs."

"No neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro offers full safety conditions. The most common form of violence are armed robberies. Take all possible precautions to prevent theft or violent incidents and is always helpful. It is recommended to avoid night shifts alone" , added to what is recommended to avoid exposing "valuables such as jewelry, watches, cameras and mobile phones especially out" at street level.

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