luni, 1 august 2016

Benzema, I exonerated Valbuena blackmail by one of the defendants

Mustapha Zouaoui, one of the accused for the alleged blackmail the player Mathieu Valbuena with a video of sexual content, exonerates the best known of the defendants, fellow French international Karim Benzema, and says it was he who got the player of Real Madrid in this issue.

In an interview published by "L'Equipe", although on June 24, Zouaoui, alias 'Sata', gives his version of the scandal that has turned away at least temporarily to Benzema and Valbuena of the French national team and insists that the first he did not want any harm to the second, but quite the opposite.

'Sata', which is now in prison for violating his judicial control after passing and four months in prison between October and February this year by this instruction, tells how he himself revealed to Benzema, at a meeting in Madrid in September 2015 the existence of the video, which had in its possession since March of that year.

According to his account, the player merengue received very seriously that information and was concerned about the effect it could have broadcast that video, did not want or see, for Valbuena - "Mathieu is able to kill himself." -

Zouaoui Benzema then pushed through one of his friends, Karim Zenati, so that the player spoke about this with Valbuena.

That happens in a concentration of the French team in early October when, according to 'Sata, "Benzema made a mistake in the presentation of the facts which earned him his indictment for justice, which was already investigating.

Specifically, instead of explaining that he knew who had the video, he says "I have a friend (referring to Zenati) that can solucionarte that."

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