luni, 31 august 2015

Illarramendi leaves Real Madrid and returns to the Real Sociedad

Real Sociedad and Real Madrid have reached an agreement for the transfer of Asier Illarramendi, reports the San Sebastian club. The player has signed for six seasons after passing the medical examination and this afternoon will be presented. The Real Sociedad has not communicated the price of the transfer to Real Madrid player now.

Asier Illarramendi returns home two years after signing for Real Madrid and has done to engage with the Real Sociedad for the next six seasons, according to the club, which has offered no detail about the operation indicated.

Similarly, the Real Madrid , simultaneously, has reported on its website the transfer of Illarramendi , who expressed his gratitude "for his years of dedication and professionalism ", after which wished him "good luck in his new stage".

Both clubs closed the agreement for the transfer of Illarra, which is estimated at an amount close to 17 million more variables on Tuesday.

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