Real Sociedad and Real Madrid have reached an agreement for the transfer of Asier Illarramendi, reports the San Sebastian club. The player has signed for six seasons after passing the medical examination and this afternoon will be presented. The Real Sociedad has not communicated the price of the transfer to Real Madrid player now.
Asier Illarramendi returns home two years after signing for Real Madrid and has done to engage with the Real Sociedad for the next six seasons, according to the club, which has offered no detail about the operation indicated.
Similarly, the Real Madrid , simultaneously, has reported on its website the transfer of Illarramendi , who expressed his gratitude "for his years of dedication and professionalism ", after which wished him "good luck in his new stage".
Both clubs closed the agreement for the transfer of Illarra, which is estimated at an amount close to 17 million more variables on Tuesday.
luni, 31 august 2015
Transfer market - Illarramendi, another victim overpriced midfielder Real Madrid
Asier Illarramendi leaves Real Madrid and heads to the Royal Society after two seasons in which he never started and never proved to be the replacement for Xabi Alonso. Since Florentino Perez came to Real Madrid, the white club has spent nearly 200 million in midfield and in the case of Illarra is the fifth most expensive signing in the history of the organization.
The sports policy of Real Madrid since the arrival of Florentino Perez to the presidency in 2000 and after his return to power in 2009 has been marked by trying to engage the best players in the world considered and, to a lesser extent but equal or greater cost , to try to find a midfielder capable of leading the team . The output of Asier Illarramendi to Real Sociedad is another example of what has been really difficult for white club find the ideal replacement for first Fernando Redondo , later Claude Makelele and finally of Xabi Alonso .
At different times and circumstances, the president of Real Madrid let go of Fernando Redondo (sold in 2000 by 18 million to Milan ). Four years later, I did not want to increase the salary and Frenchman Makelele was transferred to Chelsea. And last summer, Xabi Alonso asked to leave Bayern Munich when it was newly renovated. These three midfielders were the three main pillars that supported the team's game in the past two decades, and only with them on the pitch reached important successes .
How much money has cost the ideal midfielder search? Almost 200 million euros, including in this figure the latest addition, Mateo Kovacic . A total of 18 players since he left Fernando Redondo until the Croatian came from Inter, where homegrown players like Borja Fernandez, Ruben De la Red or are also included Esteban Granero (for which Real paid 4 million per repescarle Getafe) . And as discussed as signings Thomas Gravesen and Pablo Garcia , or others that went unnoticed as Nuri Sahin (two injured seasons) or the penultimate signing in this plot, Lucas Silva , who this season has not even back in the first team.
Concurs Sika 2015 pe
Noul Concurs Sika 2015 pe
Promotia “Fii specialist si castiga cu produse Sika!” va incepe pe data de 28 septembrie 2015, ora 00:00:00 si va dura pana la 22 noiembrie 2015, ora 23:59:59.
Nu stii cine e Sika? Acum e momentul sa faci cunostinta cu Sika!
Ce trebuie sa faci ca sa-l cunosti pe Sika si ca sa participi la concurs:
- sa cumperi cel putin un produs participant la promotie in valoare de minim 100 de lei;
- sa trimiti apoi in perioada 28 septembrie – 22 noiembrie 2015 bonurile in oricare dintre urmatoarele doua modalitati:
- prin expedierea, in perioada campaniei, unui SMS la 1821 (tarif normal in retelele Orange, Vodafone si Telekom) numarul de bon fiscal ce dovedeste achizitia unui produs participant.
- online, prin completarea unui formular de inscriere disponibil la accesarea website-ului Acest formular va fi completat de catre Participant prin indicarea obligatorie a urmatoarelor informatii: numarul de bon fiscal ce dovedeste achizitia unui produs participant, numarul telefonului mobil, nume, prenume, judet (numar valid activ in retelele Orange, Vodafone sau Telekom).
Indiferent de modalitatea pe care o aleg pentru inscriere (web sau SMS), participantii la promotie trebuie sa pastreze bonul/bonurile fiscal continand numarul folosit la inscriere, in original, pentru validarea ulterioara a premiului. Un Participant poate inscrie in concurs maxim 6 bonuri intr-o zi calendaristica, indiferent de modalitatea de inscriere aleasa.
In cadrul promotiei pot fi acordate urmatoarele categorii de premii:
Premii saptamanale:
- 8 x Telefon Samsung Galaxy S4
- 8 x Tableta Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 inch
- 8 x Aparat foto Canon Ixus 170
Premiul mare:
- 1 x 5.000 de euro
Premiile saptamanale se vor acorda prin tragere la sorti electronica asistata de un notar public. In cadrul fiecarei trageri la sorti se vor acorda 3 premii dupa cum urmeaza:
- un telefon Samsung Galaxy S4;
- o tableta Samsung Galaxy Tab4 de 10.1 inch;
- un aparat foto Canon Ixus 170;
Trebuie sa recunosc ca nu sta prea bine cu banii Sika asta din moment ce propune ca premiu un Samsung Galaxy S4 - poate nu ai auzit care este ultimul model de Samsung - constructorule?
Tragerile la sorti se vor organiza dupa cum urmeaza:
- in data de 06.10.2015 se va organiza tragerea la sorti ce va viza inscrierile efectuate in intervalul 28.09. – 04.10.2015; in cadrul tragerii la sorti se vor desemna 3 castigatori cu cate 3 rezerve aferente;
- in data de 13.10.2015 se va organiza tragerea la sorti ce va viza inscrierile efectuate in intervalul 05 – 11.10.2015; in cadrul tragerii la sorti se vor desemna 3 castigatori cu cate 3 rezerve aferente;
- in data de 20.10.2015 se va organiza tragerea la sorti ce va viza inscrierile efectuate in intervalul 12 – 18.10.2015; in cadrul tragerii la sorti se vor desemna 3 castigatori cu cate 3 rezerve aferente;
- in data de 27.10.2015 se va organiza tragerea la sorti ce va viza inscrierile efectuate in intervalul 19 – 25.10.2015; in cadrul tragerii la sorti se vor desemna 3 castigatori cu cate 3 rezerve aferente;
- in data de 03.11.2015 se va organiza tragerea la sorti ce va viza inscrierile efectuate in intervalul 25.10 – 01.11.2015; in cadrul tragerii la sorti se vor desemna 3 castigatori cu cate 3 rezerve aferente;
- in data de 10.11.2015 se va organiza tragerea la sorti ce va viza inscrierile efectuate in intervalul 02 - 08.11.2015; in cadrul tragerii la sorti se vor desemna 3 castigatori cu cate 3 rezerve aferente;
- in data de 17.11.2015 se va organiza tragerea la sorti ce va viza inscrierile efectuate in intervalul 09 - 15.11.2015; in cadrul tragerii la sorti se vor desemna 3 castigatori cu cate 3 rezerve aferente;
- in data de 24.11.2015 se va organiza tragerea la sorti ce va viza inscrierile efectuate in intervalul 16 - 22.11.2015; in cadrul tragerii la sorti se vor desemna 3 castigatori cu cate 3 rezerve aferente;
Premiul mare se va acorda prin tragere la sorti in data de 24 noiembrie 2015.
Nivea Men Creme - Concurs Nivea Men 2015

Noua campanie Nivea Men "Nivea Men Creme" se desfasoara in perioada 23 Septembrie 2015 - 30 Noiembrie 2015.
Aceasta campanie de la Nivea Men se adreseaza persoanelor fizice cu domiciliul in Romania sau rezidente, cu varsta de minim 18 ani.
Mecanismul de desfasurare.
In perioada 23 Septembrie 2015 - 30 Noiembrie 2015 completeaza formularul de concurs de pe cu datele de contact si poti castiga castiga prin tragere la sorti
100 x Nivea Men Creme.
Regulamentul Campaniei Nivea Men Creme in puteti accesa pe
duminică, 30 august 2015
They are the ideas and their implementation to determine the competence
We returned to a theme "controversial" here on the blog.
How can we say that Coach Y is better than X, because only won one or two championships that his professional colleague? If the two were not in the same context, with the exact same weapons, how can we conclude that X is better than Y because you won? What tells us that Y in context and with the arms of X does not win too?
Since the phenomenon Mourinho coaches are regarded as gods. Gods in the sense that the victories, and especially the defeats spend more for themselves than for who actually play the game.
Continue football fans to ignore that there are opponents. Valiant and which also affect the entire game.
"The coach needs to make weapons (organization) so that their athletes are more than individualities in the field but who know relate to each other, with collective principles. Occupying the space and to move with and without ball, offensively and defensively, according to common ideas. In this space we value that apart from achieving create these principles, they do so at all times of the game. Treat all times with due importance, and as such have the team prepared to play the game goes. Having done so, the best coach in the world may well lose to the worst. It's just that humans are playing the game. "
When choosing a coach, is mainly looking at your game model. For the behavior of his team at different times of the game and this play fits into the philosophy of the club.
Mourinho was a right choice for FC Porto, not because of Uniao Leiria had added many points, but because playing with big club ideas.Assumed the office in games, was an aggressive offensive team in the organization, and controlled as few transitions and positions in defensive organization.
"Paulo Sousa is not now a much talked about name in Portugal. However reveals much superior qualities to those who are being revelations by."
Came the tie with FC Porto and copious defeat the Dragon, he brought a lot of criticism. After the coach was not so good. It is utterly false. It's because? Because it is not for a result or a trophy that one should assess the competence of the manager! The ideas are the same.Whether they are good, are not the losses that determine the quality of the coach. Does anyone believe that Guardiola would be the first four of the Portuguese Liga serving Arouca? And if so, would not be able to train a large? To walk in the middle of the table? And as we realize that we could have this ability ...? The ideas that implements because of course! By the way his team is positioned in the field and react in each of the moments of the game.
sâmbătă, 29 august 2015
"It makes you doubt your sexuality?
Among sms exchanges about what had just Jonas, a great friend, once one of the best Portuguese average of their age, that even grown in Alcochete Academy, questioned me, then complete "It's amazing how decide. The best player I have seen in Portugal! "
In Portugal, after Deco, only Jonas. And unreal to see how everything always decide well and has a technical quality of those who do not believe if thou canst not see with your own eyes.
Jonas is in the Liga as an eighth wonder and is giving life to Benfica football. It's unbelievable the quality build, create well within the opponent's block and finish. Words fail!
vineri, 28 august 2015
The Casillas family enjoys their new life in Porto

Iker Casillas continues to leave details of their new life in Porto through social networks. The family is increasingly adapted to Portugal and proof of this is this image that Casillas shared, where Sara Carbonero enjoy an afternoon of beach with little Martin Casillas.
It turns out that the readers of the American newspaper "USA Today" Porto have just elected as the most romantic destination in the world. And no wonder, as they are probably checking Iker Casillas and Sara Carbonero in your new life in northern Portugal. Walking along the Douro River and its mouth in the Atlantic Ocean confirms expectations.
And there, five kilometers from the city center, the exclusive area of Foz, stronghold of the residence rented by former Real Madrid goalkeeper and journalist on leave of Tele 5.
joi, 27 august 2015
Rosenborg - Steaua / X2 double chance (2.20)
Take this as an intuition but i have some reasons also...
BIG BIG value on Steaua double chance and straight win, I tipped Rosenborg to win and Steaua not to score in first leg but now Stanciu is back and finally Steaua played something, without Tahar that was left out of the squad and Hamroun, Alcenat, Breeveld and goalkeeper Cojocaru missed first 11 because their game was very poor.. and thanks God that was a good decision. It was a tough match against CSU Craiova but they managed to win in the final minutes of the match.
I saw other team spirit and motivation that i'm sure it will continue in the second leg of the Europa-League play-off and will fight until the final whistle against Rosenborg. We all know that Norwagians lead with 3-0 and i dont see them winning again, i have more reasons to believe so. Steaua plays better away from home, first eleven will finally be without the "dead-hands" that killed the first leg. Papp and Hamroun are injured.
Stanciu will play and thats a big plus. Norway champions will be more carefull because they know that Steaua has better players and imo they will defend waiting for counters.
I'm sure Rosenborg will not chase to win because even with a 2-0 or 2-1 loss they will still qualify. I post now because odds will drop until the first whistle. So chase for the value.
20 units on this one.
Rosenborg - Steaua / X2 double chance (2.20) 10/10
Rosenborg - Steaua / Steaua +0 AH (3.40) 5/10
or you can bet the following:
Steaua to score Over 1.5 @3.3
Steaua to score over 2.5 @9.5
Rose - Steaua Over 6.5 @33
Rosenborg BK: De Lanlay (4/0 f), Reginiussen (1/0 d)
Steaua Bucuresti: Papp (4/0 d, doubtful), Hamroun (5/1 m), Neagu (2/0 m, went on loan)
miercuri, 26 august 2015
CSKA Moscova - Sporting Lisabona
Sporting is missing left back Jefferson while top player William Carvalho is a long time absentee.
Sporting is a meaningless team when it comes to european competitions. The situation could be diferent this year as Jorge Jesus is supposed to give them a boost. However Jorge Jesus has a very turbulent record in Champions League. He is known for messing things up, big time.
The portuguese press says that Aquilani might start, changing the system to 4-3-2-1 with the triangle in the midfield inverted. So, this might be "deja vu" all over the place.
The portuguese press also worte a lot about the brothers Berezutski and Ignashevich saying the played in Lisbon in the Europa League final 10 years ago when they beat Sporting. They say they are slow and old...Slutski highlighted that situation saying it is true...and that's why he has been rotating their centre backs.
It can also be wisdom...inviting Sporting to open their play.
I think the game will be interesting. Both teams are similar in quality. Home factor and experience should prevail.
CSKA -0.25 1.90.
Considering the first leg result and from what I saw, I believe that despite the not so high odds there is still some value in a bet for "BTS".
In my opinion CSKA will easily score here and this automatically means that Sporting must score as well, if they want to keep their hopes for a group stage entry. Both teams have better attackers than defenders (in my opinion) and I recommend "BTS" as a bet for the game.
Bet: Both teams to score - Yes.
Odds: 1.67 @ bet365
Stake: (8/10)
APOEL - FC Astana
After watching both Astana and APOEL, I have no doubt that APOEL is the better team. Their performances have been below par and not sure is it because all the the new players or the manager but I have been waiting for them to click. They finally did on Saturday after they beat Ermis 1-5 in the league.
Ok, Ermis was not ready for this match as they have signed 23 new players this season including 6 during last week but psychologically a team that should score goals is not scoring and then does 5 times in a match usually opens the flood gates. Especially for Stilic and Luis Leal it was a big thing.
On paper, APOEL has a much stronger team than last season with maybe the left back position being the exception. It takes time to gel with a new manager and players and they will get better after each match. In these matches European experience goes a long way and APOEL has that. Also its Astana now who has to make the long trip to Cyprus. I also feel that the motivation is on APOEL´s side. They really want to make it back to Champions League group stages. I am not saying Astana does not but they are already in the Europa League group stages guaranteed so they have already reached their goal. Getting to CL is just extra.
I am convinced that they can beat Astana by at least 2 goals and go through. I would be even more convinced if Vander would be available and he still might but it is a race against time that one. Makrides was able to train with the team so he should be fit for this match.
APOEL will try for the 4th time in their history to be in the Champions League group stage while for Astana it will be the 1st.
The first game in Kazakhstan can be divided in several parts. The first 20 minutes were all Astana. APOEL entered the field with a pathetic approach and Astana took an early lead. Of course, 1 minute before Astana scored, APOEL had a penalty not given.
After 20 minutes and until the end of first half, Astana gave space to APOEL but the wrong decisions of coach Pacienza at the starting lineup didn't help APOEL to become dangerous.
At the second half, until 65-70 APOEL was all over Astana but they weren't really dangerous except 1-2 cases. The injury of Efrem balanced the game and at the last 20 minutes Astana was really dangerous on counter attacks and could at least scored another one.
The first game gave me the impression that APOEL is a bit better team than Astana. They have better individuals but they are not 100 "team" yet. Astana has some excellent individuals but most importantly they all defend and attack like a team, so this balances every disadvantage they have.
As guys already mentioned, APOEL had a good win against Ermis on Saturday which will help some players self-confidence like Leal and Stilic.
The coach of Astana is a good tactician and knows how to treat this game, so tactically coach Pacienza needs finally to be tactically perfect if APOEL wants to enter the group stage.
I rate the odds for HW around 1.90 fair so it is a no bet for me. Also, i am a bit pessimist regarding APOEL's chances to keep a clean sheet. They conceded at least 1 goal at 5/7 of their official games. Astana has good players upfront especially Foxy, Dzhoichiev and striker Kabananga who looked dangerous in the 20 minutes he played. So bettingwise, i could recommend G/G.
Personally, i will be romantic and bet on 3-1 correct score. APOEL managed their two first qualifications in Champions League with this score after having lost the first leg 1-0 (against FC Copenhagen and Wisla Krakow).
Partizan Belgrad - Bate Borisov
Partizan had two great chances in first leg. Both missed from A. Zivkovic. Bate scored from one real chance.
Partizan played well in first half. Bate dominated the game in second half imo. It was important factor red card for Jeftovic at the end of first half.
Partizan rested some of their best players. A. Zivkovic, D. Brasanac, V. Bozinov, Oumaru, Vulicevic against Borac Cacak for the weekend . Fabricio played only first half.
I dont have info about Bate's game for the weekend, only that they demolish Neman and rested seven players.
I am expecting home win and goals here. Partizan will attack, and if they score early, we can see open game. Bate can score for sure in Belgrade. Stadium is sold out. About 30000 fans are expected.
Partizan win 2.10 @Bet365 5/10 Over 2,5 2.51@ Pinnacle 3/10
marți, 18 august 2015
Guides of the playoffs of the Champions League for today!
Basel x Maccabi Tel Aviv: The two teams have met the preliminary stages of the Champions League in 2013. At the time, the Swiss took the lead against the Israelites. The luck of the Maccabi may be different this time, or the traditional Basel, which, in the latest issue, knocked out Liverpool, will again make nice? BET: 1
Celtic x Malmo: The confrontation, which promises to move the route of national champions, involves two teams that have already decided the biggest competition in the world clubs. Celtic was champion in 1967 and was vice Malmö in 1979. The two can return to the glory days? BET 1
Rapid Vienna x Shakhtar Donetsk: Two traditional teams had to sweat to reach the last stage before groups will duel for the vacancy. Rapid Vienna stunned the champion Ajax, while Shakhtar became the favourite Fenerbahçe. BET: over 2.5
Skënderbeu Korçë x Dinamo Zagreb: None duel involves a national domain larger than Skënderbeu and Dinamo Zagreb, which puts face to face five-time champion the Albanian and Croatian leagues. Now both want to show their strength away from their fields and raise larger flights on the continent. BET: 2
Valencia x Monaco: Another clash involving two former finalists, Valencia and Monaco are also fighting to the end for a place in the group stage. The two teams have a best result, second place. Could you to improve retrospect? BET: 1
FIA confirms that it will not take more new teams in Formula 1 in 2016
Because no one team besides Haas Racing met the necessary requirements to join the category.
After extending for one month the deadline to sign up for new teams to enter Formula 1, the International Automobile Federation (FIA) confirmed that no other racing team will enter the category in the biennium 2016 and 2017. So the only new team confirmed for the grid is the American Haas Racing.
Two teams, unrevealed showed interest to participate, however, according to an aide FIA, none of them met the requirements to enter the category. Thus, the process was worth for the next two years, is officially closed.
"No applications were able to meet the criteria of the FIA for new teams, even taking every opportunity to present their proposals. The round of applications is officially closed, "said the aide to the site" ".
Although the process apply to the next two years, is not ruled out the entry of a new team for 2017. If a major automaker, such as Renault, which is in the process of defining about its future in the category, or even Audi, always speculated the category may decide to enter a team, the FIA can open a special process so that these manufacturers can participate in Formula 1.
vineri, 14 august 2015
Barca today begins the road to win his fifth title of 2015, the Supercopa of Spain
FC Barcelona now faces the road that aims to reach the fifth of the six cups that can conquer in 2015. In this case it is the Supercopa of Spain, where he will face the Athletic Club of Bilbao. The first episode of this double confrontation comes tonight from ten in San Mames. The leg will be played next Monday at the Camp Nou, also from ten at night.
Barca go into the match in San Mamés with holders exhausted by the enormous effort that had to do to crush the Seville on Tuesday in the final of the European Super Cup template. The match was decided after 120 minutes of play in the Seville minced no fuss when play every ball. The result of that intensity Emery team, several Barca players, plus tired, battered and bruised back. Nothing serious to miss a game that is an end, but as Luis Enrique to take note and apply today a batch of rotations to oxygenate a few of their regulars thinking around.
In goal there could be relief with the return of Bravo to ownership for a tournament that the club agreed as champions, competition in the Chilean was a starter. On defense we have to see if Luis Enrique Bartra commitment and Mathieu after his mistakes against Sevilla. On average, Iniesta is doubt after the blow it suffered in Tbilisi, while above the unknowns focus on whether Messi will be reserved entry, as in other leg of the Super Cup, and Pedro, deputy in Georgia.
Athletic Bilbao - Opposite an Athletic who want once and for all win a title against Barcelona and ended 'burned' last Cup final. The Atletico know that their choices are to win today a rival battered by the end of the Super Cup. So they'll put pressure on Barca, knowing that your physical is not one hundred percent.
joi, 13 august 2015
What a match! After nearly 2.5 hours, Simona Halep comes out on top, 6-3, 5-7, 6-4. #RogersCup
Yesterday we bet on Simona Halep. Today we can scream: SI-MO-NA! This is winning attitude - after nearly 2.5 hours, Simona Halep comes out on top, 6-3, 5-7, 6-4!
Go Simona, GO!
Go Simona, GO!
Messi, Ronaldo and Suárez for the best player award in Europe
Winner will be announced on August 27, during the draw of the Champions League group phase
UEFA announced on Wednesday (12), the list of nominees for the award for best player of Europe in season 2014-15. Among the 35 named by journalists, Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and Luis Suárez achieved more points and now await the announcement of August 27, date of the draw of the Champions League group stage.
Among the three nominees, only Suarez has not won the prize. Messi won the award in 2011, the year of the first edition of the appointment, and Ronaldo was elected last year. The other winners were Andrés Iniesta in 2012 and Franck Ribéry in 2013.
Brazil had only two listed in the previous polls: Neymar, who finished fifth, and Roberto Firmino, who finished 28th.
For the award, journalists from each of the 54 federations that are members of UEFA present a list of their five nominees. Thus, the first receive five points, the second four, and so on. The ten top rated players went to a second vote, which determined the three finalists.
Check out the other positions of the Top 10:
4 Gianluigi Buffon (Italy - Juventus) 24 points
5 Neymar (Brazil - Barcelona) 23 points
6 Eden Hazard (Belgium - Chelsea) 21 points
7 Andrea Pirlo (Italy - Juventus) 12 points
8 Arturo Vidal (Chile - Juventus, now Bayern Munich) 11 points
9 Carlos Tevez (Argentina - Juventus, now Boca Juniors) 8 points
10 Paul Pogba (France - Juventus) 5 points
In total, 35 players received votes in the initial election:
11 Arjen Robben (Netherlands - Bayern Munich)
12 Manuel Neuer (Germany - Bayern Munich)
13 Carlos Bacca (Colombia - Sevilla, now Milan)
14 Andrés Iniesta (Spain - Barcelona)
14 Álvaro Morata (Spain - Juventus)
14 Thomas Müller (Germany - Bayern Munich)
17 Kevin De Bruyne (Belgium - Wolfsburg)
Zlatan Ibrahimović 18 (Sweden - Paris Saint-Germain)
19 Gareth Bale (Wales - Real Madrid)
19 André-Pierre Gignac (France - Olympique Marseille, now Mexico Tigers)
21 Robert Lewandowski (Poland - Bayern Munich)
21 Ivan Rakitić (Croatia - Barcelona)
23 Jérôme Boateng (Germany - Bayern Munich)
23 Xavi Hernández (Spain - Barcelona now Al-Sadd of Qatar)
23 Jackson Martínez (Colombia - FC Porto, now Atletico Madrid)
23 Javier Mascherano (Argentina - Barcelona)
23 Alexis Sánchez (Chile - Arsenal)
28 Giorgio Chiellini (Italy - Juventus)
28 Roberto Firmino ( Brazil - Hoffenheim, now Liverpool)
28 Nemanja Matić (Serbia - Chelsea)
28 Arkadiusz Milik (Poland - Ajax)
28 Nicolás Otamendi (Argentina - Valencia)
28 Sergio Ramos (Spain - Real Madrid)
28 Marc-André ter Stegen (Germany - Barcelona )
28 Arda Turan (Turkey - Atletico Madrid, now Barcelona)
Bastian Schweinsteiger has started making friends at Manchester United
31 was the number of midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger at Bayern Munich.
Transferred to Manchester United in this window, the German used the shirt 23 during the pre-season of the English club. In the first game of the Premier League, he officially took the shirt 31, her favorite.
The story does not seem to be very important, but for fans of Manchester United who bought the 23 German shirt has. One of them, identified as Florian texted Schweinsteiger on Facebook talking about the case.
And he was surprised by the response: "Too bad, Florian. I will send you a new autographed shirt to help you. Thank you for your great support! This goes for other fans to send me a picture wearing the shirt with my old number. I will give 31 more shirts Manchester United, "wrote the player.
Bastian Schweinsteiger has started making friends at Manchester United.
Transferred to Manchester United in this window, the German used the shirt 23 during the pre-season of the English club. In the first game of the Premier League, he officially took the shirt 31, her favorite.
The story does not seem to be very important, but for fans of Manchester United who bought the 23 German shirt has. One of them, identified as Florian texted Schweinsteiger on Facebook talking about the case.
And he was surprised by the response: "Too bad, Florian. I will send you a new autographed shirt to help you. Thank you for your great support! This goes for other fans to send me a picture wearing the shirt with my old number. I will give 31 more shirts Manchester United, "wrote the player.
Bastian Schweinsteiger has started making friends at Manchester United.
Concurs CODURI Dunhill 2015 pe
Un nou concurs Dunhill - cu premii cele mai bune 6 experiente, pentru ca tu sa o alegi pe cea pe care vrei sa o castigi.
Cumpără orice pachet de țigarete Dunhill Fine Cut (variantele Master Blend, Swiss Blend, Blonde Blend și Classic) participant la promoție și poți câștiga o experiență/vacanță de neuitat (la alegere, din 6 experiențe: Gourmet, Aventură, Petrecere, Cultură, Shopping sau Delectare) și alte mii de premii.
Caută în interiorul pachetului codul unic de 8 caractere alfanumerice, introdu-l pe site-ul campaniei Dunhill Only The Best – sau trimite-l prin SMS la numărul 1758 (tarif normal, valabil în rețelele Vodafone, Orange, Telekom Mobil) și poți câștiga instant: un pachet special ce conține un pachet Dunhill Fine Cut și o brichetă, pachet Cafea Kopi Luwak Gheorghe Florescu, căști Bose Quiet Comfort 25, sticlă de vin Chateau Puech Haut La 40-eme-Saint Drezery 2007, sticlă de Scotch Whisky Glenkinchie 12 Years Old Best Lowland Single Malt.
Săptămânal poți câștiga prin tragere la sorți unul din cele 3 premii puse în joc:
Săptămână 1 (3 – 9 august) – telefon mobil Samsung Galaxy S6 EDGE, bicicleta Brompton H3L/BK/BK, espressor Jura Impressa Z9 Onetouch TFT;
Săptămână 2 (10 – 16 august) – laptop Apple MacBook Pro cu afișaj Retina mf840ro/a, Intel Core i5 pana la 3.1 GHz, 13.3″, 8 GB, 256 GB, Intel Iris Graphics 6100, OS X Yosemite, soundbar Focal Dimension & Arcam Mini-blink, aparat foto digital Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-RX10;
Săptămână 3 (17 – 23 august) – bicicleta Brompton H3L/BK/BK, aparat foto digital Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-RX10, telefon mobil Samsung Galaxy S6 EDGE;
Săptămână 4 (24 – 30 august) – laptop Apple MacBook Pro cu afișaj Retina mf840ro/a, Intel Core i5 pana la 3.1 GHz, 13.3″, 8 GB, 256 GB, Intel Iris Graphics 6100, OS X Yosemite, bicicleta Brompton H3L/BK/BK, espressor Jura Impressa Z9 Onetouch TFT;
Săptămână 5 (31 august – 6 septembrie) – bicicleta Brompton H3L/BK/BK, soundbar Focal Dimension & Arcam Mini-blink, aparat foto digital Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-RX10;
Săptămână 5 (7 – 13 septembrie) – bicicleta Brompton H3L/BK/BK, laptop Apple MacBook Pro cu afișaj Retina mf840ro/a, Intel Core i5 pana la 3.1 GHz, 13.3″, 8 GB, 256 GB, Intel Iris Graphics 6100, OS X Yosemite, soundbar Focal Dimension & Arcam Mini-blink;
De asemenea săptămânal puteți câștiga un premiu special:
– abonament pe 1 an la revistele Dilema Veche, Decat o revistasi Monocle;
– selecție cu cele mai bune albume muzicale ale anului 2015: Bjork – Vulnicura; Mark Ronson – Uptown Special; Mumford & Sons – Wilder Mind; Florence and the Machine – How Big How Blue How Beautiful; Muse – Drones; Kid Rock – First Kiss; Leonard Cohen – Can’t Forget: A Souvenir of the Grand; Blur – The Magic Whip;
– eBook Reader Kindle Voyage, Wi-Fi, 4 GB;
– selecție vinuri Davino: Zeni Marogne Soave Clasicco, Italia; Zeni Marogne Ripasso;
– selecție cărți semnate de laureații premiului Nobel pentru literatură: Patrick Modiano – Bulevardele de centura & Orizontul; Alice Munro – Prea multa fericire & Ura, prietenie, dragoste, casatorie; Mo Yan – Tara vinului; Mario Vargas Llosa – Eroul discret; Herta Muller – Leaganul respiratiei; J.M.G. Le Clezio – Hazard / Angoli Mala; Doris Lessing – Povestiri africane; Orhan Pamuk – Istanbul: Amintirile si Orasul;
– selecție filme de Oscar 2014 și 2015: Birdman: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance); Whiplash; American Sniper; The Imitation Game; Gravity; The Wolf of Wall Street; Dallas Buyers Club; 12 Years a Slave; American Hustle si The Grand Budapest Hotel;
Marele Premiu reprezentând o experiență de neuitat constă într-o excursie de maxim 21 de zile, destinațiile și traseul fiind în funcție de alegerea câștigătorului (Gourmet, Aventura, Petrecere, Cultura, Shopping sau Delectare) detaliile complete ale fiecărui timp de excursie se regăsesc în anexa la regulamentul campaniei promoționale.
Perioadă de desfășurare concurs: 3 august – 13 septembrie 2015
miercuri, 12 august 2015
Simona Halep most beloved romanian player. Not by American WTA experts :)
Simona Halep is now in 3rd round in Toronto! Only few American WTA experts gave her chances. ;) After Jelena Jankovic (6-3, 6-4), in the next match will come Angelique Kerber.
Very important are the Romanian supporters. They don't believe the american experts in WTA tennis and love Simona Halep!
Very important are the Romanian supporters. They don't believe the american experts in WTA tennis and love Simona Halep!
Do you usually see this many Romanian fans outside of Romania? Silly question for @Simona_Halep 😉 #WTA— WTA (@WTA) August 12, 2015
marți, 11 august 2015
Stoke City announced the signing of Xherdan Shaqiri
Photo Source Dailymail |
After a long period of negotiations, the future of the Swiss player - Xherdan Shaqiri - was finally set. Through its official website, the Stoke City announced the arrival of former player of Bayern Munich.
The Potters spent about EUR 17 million to carry out the transfer of the player 23, which became the most expensive signing in club history. Shaqiri signed a five-year contract with the English team, which will use the shirt 22 during the season 2015/2016. The manager Mark Hughes is extremely pleased with the success of the transaction.
"Xherdan is a young, dynamic and explosive player. Will surely bring something different to our squad. With 23 years, it still has great potential and a margin of gigantic improvement. Talked a lot with him and it was clear who is eager to play the Premier League and show what he can do, "said the new commander of Shaqiri.
With origins in Kosovo, Shaqiri was moved to Switzerland, where he was naturalised and started playing football at Basel. He had a spell at Bayern Munich before arriving at Inter Milan, where he ended up not signing and traded. With Stoke, he hopes to revitalise his career and return to good levels presented at the beginning of career.
The Neymar Jr. Effect, A Virtual Reality Experience 360° YouTube Ads
Neymar, Football, Ads, Tech and Google!
Move your phone around to take the pitch as Brazil's #10. Experience The Neymar Jr. Effect in Virtual Reality.
You must view the experience in the latest YouTube app or Chrome desktop browser.
Cardboard headset and Android phone required for virtual reality.
Google cardboard available here:
Mobile – 360° Video:
Open this video in the YouTube app, then move your phone around (right to left, top to bottom).
Mobile – Virtual Reality:
To view in virtual reality with your Cardboard headset on your Android device, open this link in the YouTube app, then tap the cardboard headset icon in the bottom right to switch into virtual reality viewing mode. Place your phone horizontally in the headset and look inside.
Desktop – 360° video:
To view on your computer, open this link in Google Chrome and click to drag around.
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