joi, 1 septembrie 2016

Islamic State replaces football referees by the law of "an eye for an eye"

The terrorist organization ISIS has just banned football arbitrations in the territory it controls in Syria and Iraq partly because it believes that the FIFA rules "go against the wishes and orders of Allah."

According to the English medium The Independent , the British organization Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (SOHR) said that in the caliphate the basic rules of football no longer govern, and have been replaced by a special regulation that provides for compensation in case of injury to a player opponent.

According to the same sources, the leaders of ISIS consider that the FIFA regulations are an interference with their local laws, and do not respect in any way, as they consider "illegitimate".

One of the most striking rules is the prohibition of the arbitrators. According to Islamic reasoning, gimped not follow the laws that Allah has revealed, but those of FIFA, and therefore "are violating the orders of Allah and the Sunnah ".

The new rules provide for the eye for an eye: if a player is injured in the field, has the right to exact revenge or compensation. For example, if your ankle has been injured, could ask several players kicked the same area of the offending player, to injure.

The decision to abolish the FIFA rules born of the courts created by the heads of the Islamic State, which in recent weeks have striven to make rulings that eliminated any kind of regulation from outside. That is, it is expected that soon They issued a resolution against the laws of sports like basketball or tennis.

The 'official' games of the league Syrian territory occupied by the ISIS have begun to be played this weekend in the city of Deir ez-Zor. According Sohr, some players say that no one can take on the field a garment with FIFA logo "If not, ISIS soldiers would stop us."

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