sâmbătă, 11 iunie 2016

Spain change their habits for the premiere at 15:00

Spanish team has modified its schedules two days before the debut at Euro 2016, by the time (15:00), which will have to play in Toulouse, city which you will come tonight after overtaking your trip.

Spanish international will have to change from the time you get up and eat breakfast until workouts and meal times with the mind set to compete at 15:00.

Since Saturday, the team meal and is ahead at 13:00 on the Ile de Re and training at 16:30 hours. The initial plan trip to Toulouse has been modified and Spain will fly from La Rochelle at 20:30. An hour later you will land in the city of his debut, which already awaken Sunday to advance his plan schedules the day.

"It changes a lot about the Spanish schedule," admitted Pedro Rodriguez. "But I think the team will adapt well. You have to eat in the morning, rest a bit and get you to play. At first it costs a bit if you're not used to," he added.

The current player Chelsea gave as an example his experience. "In Barcelona he was used to playing at night, but when you get used is a very good time for the player and fans can go kids. And it 's nice for the show and for broadcasting in many countries. It is a schedule that I hope we it will come in handy "wanted.

On the eve of the match, the Spanish team will train at the scene of his debut, the stadium of Toulouse, at 16:30, an hour and a half after tagging for the start of its debut in the championship.

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